Page 65 of For Keeps

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Riley grinned and poked me in my stomach. “So it’s going to be like that again?”

“Yep,” I chuckled.

This say-please-thing was a game that she and I used to play whenever we wanted something. The “want” could be as simple as what Riley had just asked of me, or it could be her wanting me to take her somewhere new to eat or to see a movie.

I often had to say please to get Riley to kiss me. But before saying the word to her, I’d wrap my arms around her and try to steal a kiss while she turned her face away, giggling like I always did.

On several occasions, our playfulness carried over into the sex we had. Right before it happened, Riley would place her hands against my chest, cross her legs, and lock her ankles. Then she’d tell me to say please. I always did, but what she never knew was that I would’ve begged her to let me fuck her. I wanted her that badly and always would. But I needed her more.

“Pretty please with sugar on top; take me out back to your patio,” she said, still grinning.

“Damn, I got some extra there! Let’s go, mia bella!”

We were walking across the raised walkway when she stopped in the middle, causing me to stop.

“Look,” she said, pointing to the right. “Lightning bugs. I only see them when I come home.”

“I can catch some for you and put them in a mason jar.”

“That’s okay. I’ll enjoy nature’s little twinkle lights while I’m here.”

Seeing Riley’s happiness from watching them made me happy. The country girl in her really had missed being home.

After she and I reached the patio, she sat at the table, and I lit the citronella candles to keep the mosquitoes at bay. Once I joined Riley, we chatted between taking sips of our drinks and looking out at the lake. It wouldn’t be long before I had to flip on the string globe lights because the sunlight was fading quickly.

“Rhys, this might be a crazy question, but have you ever slept out here?”


“In a sleeping bag?”

“On a camping cot with a thick mattress, blanket, and pillow.”

“Very nice!”

“Spend the night with me sometime, and we’ll camp out here with all the critters.”

“Your cot is big enough for both of us? Or do you have two?”

“I have one, and we’ll fit comfortably on it without any problem.”

Riley kept looking at me. I could tell the wheels in her mind were spinning. Then she told me what she was thinking.

“If I spend the night with you, I’ll have to figure out a way to do it so my daddy doesn’t know. My momma would probably be excited for us. It’s just that I’m not ready for my daddy to find out—”

“We’re lovers again?” I asked, winking.

“Yes. Spending the night with you anywhere would indicate we are.”

“I understand your father-daughter predicament.”

“I knew you would.”

“We haven’t talked about this, but what will it be like between us after you go back to Fort Worth?”

“What do you mean?”

“Are we going to keep texting and calling each other while you’re gone? Or is that only going to happen whenever you come back home?”

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