Page 4 of For Keeps

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“Come on and fix yourself a plate now.”

“I will in just a sec. Rachel and Macie wanted me to let them know when I got here.”

“Your sister told me that she’s spending the night. Do you know if Macie is planning to?”

“She is.”

“Just like old times.”

“The best times.”

My momma patted my arm, walked to the refrigerator, and pulled out a gallon pitcher of sweet tea. I didn’t have to say anything. She already knew I wanted a glass with a squeeze of lemon and brought it to me. I’d just finished texting my sister and Macie.

“The girls will be here shortly,” I said.


My parents and I sat at the dining room table to eat and started catching up. The first thing my daddy asked me about was Chad. He wanted to know how he was doing.

“He’s fine,” I told him.

“How are you two doing?”

“We’re good. Why are you wondering?”

“Planning a wedding can be stressful for the bride and groom.”

“We’re not stressed about any of it. Just anxious for it to get here.”

“Your grandpa is so honored that you want him to marry you and Chad.”

“Of course I want him to! I’m the one who’s honored.”

My daddy smiled. “You need to visit with him while you’re in town and go see your grandma at the nursing home, too.”

“Absolutely. It’ll be good to see them, even though Grandma won’t know who I am. She didn’t the last time.”

“She doesn’t remember your sister or us any longer either. Only your grandpa.”

I snapped my head back in surprise. “When did that happen?”

“About a month ago.”

“Why didn’t y’all tell me?”

“We thought it would upset you.”

“I appreciate your worrying about that, but you don’t need to shield me from Grandma’s sad reality. I knew all of this was coming. It was only a matter of time.”

My parents gave me a backward smile, and then I heard, “Helloooo!” My sister and Macie had just arrived. I stood up and waited for them. When we saw each other, we squealed with excitement and group hugged.

“I can’t believe I’m actually looking at you in person, BFF,” Macie said. “You can’t go this long again without coming back to Cypress Hills to see us.”

“It was only two months.”

“Two months too long.”

I stuck out my tongue at her and kissed my sister on top of her head. She had it resting on my shoulder and her arms around my waist.

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