Page 23 of For Keeps

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When I walked into my kitchen, I noticed a glass I’d left out had been turned upside down, and water was all over the counter and floor. My ghost had made its presence known again. It didn’t like it whenever I failed to pick up after myself.

I shook my head, put the glass in the dishwasher, and cleaned up the mess while thinking about Riley the whole time. Outside on the patio, she stayed on my mind while I worked on the railing. Seeing her this morning was a blessing, as was salvaging our friendship. It seemed to mean as much to her as it did to me.

When our romantic relationship ended last year, no third party was to blame. Riley and I were faithful to each other. She broke up with me because she no longer wanted the life we’d planned to live together in Cypress Hills. Her dream grew beyond me and our hometown, and she moved to Fort Worth to start over.

I was devastated because I had thought everything was good between us. Even now, I still couldn’t see any signs that would’ve led me to believe Riley would break my heart. She was allowed to change her mind about her future, though. No one had a right to tell her what to do with it.

I was putting my tools away when my cellphone pinged with a message.

Jackson:Want to meet me at Nana’s Kitchen for lunch?

Me:Sure. Got to grab a shower first.


I pulled into the diner’s parking lot behind my brother and parked beside him. After I got out of my truck, I noticed a white Toyota Camry a few spaces over.

“The girls are here,” I told Jackson, nodding at Rachel’s car.

“I see that.”

“Did you plan this on purpose?”

He shook his head and chuckled. “No, man. I thought they were going shopping for Riley’s wed…”

“Wedding dress. Gotcha.”

“It’s no big deal that we’re all here together. You and Riley are friends again, correct?”


When we walked into the diner, I spotted the girls. They were in a booth toward the back.

“Where do you want to sit?” Jackson asked.

Before I could answer, Macie hollered, “Hey, guys! Come join us!”

I kept looking at Jackson while he grinned at me.

“You planned this. I know you did,” I said.

“I promise, I didn’t. But isn’t the timing funny?”


“Shall we?” he asked, motioning toward the girls.

“After you.”

When we reached them, Riley looked up at me, smiled, and said, “Hi.”

It was only one word, but the breathy way she said it, plus the look in her eyes, had my heart racing even more. I returned her greeting and then told Rachel and Macie hello. Jackson sat on the side of the booth they were on, leaving me the space beside Riley.

“Is it okay if I sit here?” I asked her.



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