Page 122 of For Keeps

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“Have you heard anything from him since the incident at Razzoo’s?”

I shook my head. “He knows I’m fully off-limits now. There’s no chance of us getting back together.”

“I temped to be a snippy bitch to him when he comes in.”

“Don’t do that. He’s not an awful human being. He just has some deep soul work that he needs to do.”

“Okay,” Jacinda mumbled.

“Changing the subject… Has your first love made any new Instagram posts?”

“Funny you should ask.”

“So he has?”



“You’re never going to believe this.”

“Try me.”

“He’s flying home this weekend to see his parents. I saw their comments on Phil’s recent picture-post of him playing golf.”

I studied Jacinda’s eyes. “If you’re going to be tempted to do anything, let it be messaging Phil. Tell him that you saw that he’s coming to Fort Worth, and if he has time, you’d like to meet him for a drink and catch up on old times. He’ll tell you if his wife is with him on the trip.”

“Don’t you think that’s stepping over the line?”

“I think it’s the only way that you’re going to find out the true state of his marriage, as well as how he feels about you.”

“As much as I’ve dreamed of having a second chance with him, I won’t be a homewrecker.”

“I’m not saying that. It could be that Phil’s home is already wrecked, and he’s living in it with his wife, going through the miserable motions that so many couples do. Reach out to him as a friend and see what he says.”

“Riley, I don’t know.”

“Think about it.”

“Jesus, it’s all I’m going to be thinking about now.”

“You’re welcome.”

Jacinda shook her finger at me, but she was grinning. I winked at her and then walked off to prepare for my first patient of the day and mentally prepare myself for the possibility of seeing Chad.

I was walking my patient to the front of the dental office to check out when I passed by the examining room where Jacinda was supposed to have Chad taken. The door was open, and no one was in the room. Chad had already come and gone.

“I’ll see you in six months, Mrs. Phillips. You take care,” I said, patting her on the arm. I especially loved my elderly patients.

“Thank you, sweetheart.”

On my way back down the hallway, my stomach growled. I needed to grab lunch, but I wasn’t sure where.

I’d just reached the parking lot when I looked up and saw Chad approaching me. I stopped walking, and then he did, holding up his hands in a surrender gesture. After staring at him for several seconds, I continued heading toward my car.

“Riley, please give me just a minute of your time,” Chad said from behind me.

I stopped walking again, turned around, and looked at him. “What do you want?”

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