Page 21 of Penalty of Love

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He can’t seriously be mad at me for this.

I don’t know why he would be. I’m just here to do my job.

“I think we can wrap up this meeting now that we know the plan. Everything has gone better than I expected.” Frankie pushes her chair back from the table and stands to her feet. “I’ll get a job posting ready and send the applicants your way to review, Nila.”

I nod. “Sounds good.”

I follow Cameron and Tucker out of the room and toward the front doors of the office, and the moment feels a little like déjà vu—only this time I’m not leaving with Cameron. I have an Uber waiting to take me back to my hotel.

“I think you’re doing a great job handling Frankie and Cameron.” Tucker drops back to walk beside me. “Neither of them are easy to deal with, and when you mix the two, it can be a nightmare.”

“Yeah, I can imagine.” I can’t help but stare at the back of Cameron’s head in front of us, my mind replaying the way things have been going. He’s finally lightening up around me.

Figures my time would be cut short before I even have a chance to enjoy it.

“What’re you doing this evening?” Tucker’s question surprises me, and I glance over at him, meeting his dark brown eyes. He’s handsome in his own right, but...

“I’m just planning on relaxing at the hotel.”

“For a little while, but then she’s coming out with me,” Cameron says, not even bothering to turn around. “She needs more content.”


“Right. I forgot about that.” I laugh, playing it off.

“No problem.” Tucker eyes Cameron and then sighs. “If you need anything—or you want a break from the madness—here’s my card.” He pulls out a business card and hands it my way.

Despite having no interest in him, I still blush. “Thanks.”

Tucker gives me a half-smile and then slips out the door, patting Cameron on the shoulder. “See ya.”

Cameron stops short of the exit and finally turns to face me. “I guess he just had to shoot his shot.”

I raise my brow at his sharp tone. “What?”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s unprofessional.”

“Tucker giving me his business card?”

“Come on, Nila.” Cameron makes a face. “You can’t seriously not have known that he was hitting on you. You’re gorgeous, that probably happens all the time.”

My cheeks flush and I can’t help but smile at the realization that he called me gorgeous—but I play it off. “I’m aware of what he was doing, yes. I just don’t let it bother me.”

“Are you gonna call him?” He lingers with his hand on the door, running his tongue along his bottom lip.

I can’t tell if he’s bothered because it’s unprofessional or if it’s because of … something else...

“No, I’m not gonna call him.” I keep my tone light as I push through the doors, leaving Cameron to catch up with me this time.

“I can give you a ride back to your hotel.”

“That’s generous, but I think I’ll stick with the Uber. They’re less likely to kill me in the process.”

“Uh, that’s a very big assumption. You don’t actually know that. They could be a terrible driver. Or worse, they could be a serial killer with a clean driving record.”

I stop at the edge of the sidewalk, my feet aching in my heels. “Well, that’s a valid point, but I’ll take my chances. Given the fact that I already know how you drive...”

“Okay, fine, but I’ll still pick you up in a few hours?”

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