Page 18 of Penalty of Love

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“Cameron, your fans are dying for an up close and personal look into your life,” she begins, her voice light and cheery again. “What’re you up to today?”

“Um,” I falter, glancing over to the camera. “I had practice today with the team, and now I’m at the Humane Society walking the dogs. It’s exercise for me—and them.” I feel stupid talking to a camera, but I keep going. “I grew up with dogs in my family. My mom had a Dachshund named Benny. He was with her until the very end, and then...” My voice trails off. I don’t want to talk about my mother’s death on a livestream.

“What’s your favorite breed of dog?” Nila’s voice cuts in, catching my attention.

“Probably a Siberian Husky,” I answer, grateful for the topic switch. “They like ice. I like ice.”

Nila giggles, and I watch the smile on her face grow. “Okay, folks. We’re opening it up to your questions now. Let’s see. Oh, wow, there are more questions than I can keep up with.”

My brows shoot up in surprise. “Oh? Well ... keep them coming.”

“What’s your favorite way to spend your free time?”

“Um, I guess with my friends? I don’t know. I don’t have a lot of free time. I like to run and hit the gym. I also like gardening.”

“Gardening?” Nila questions.

“Yeah,” I tell her, chuckling. “My mom was into gardening. I always helped her with everything. It’s relaxing, and it’s cool to eat the food you grew yourself.”

“Well, I guess you can give us a few tips then.”

I shake my head. “Maybe another time. Give me another question.”

She chews on her lip for a few moments. “When did you first realize that you were interested in hockey?”

“I didn’t grow up around hockey, really, but I had a friend who played when I was in elementary school. I went to one of his games, and from there, I was hooked. My dad convinced the coach to let me on the team that year since it was the very start of the season. I never looked back.”

“What’s the story behind your jersey number?”

“Three is actually my favorite number. Growing up, my mom always told me it was lucky, and it’s never failed me yet.”

“What was your favorite subject in school?”

“Graduating,” I joke as I mull it over. “Probably science. I liked learning the why behind the way the world works—the technical stuff though, not the philosophical. That’s over my head.”

Nila looks over the top of her phone at me, her eyes glistening under the spring sun. She looks amused as she gazes at me, a smile curling her thick lips upward.

It’s adorable...

And if answering stupid questions makes her happy, I’ll do it. I guess.

“If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?” she reads another question.

“Uh, that’s kind of a hard one. I’d probably have a central home near family, but then I’d just travel a lot.”

“What do you want to do after you retire from hockey?”

I stop at the question. “I don’t know. I’ve never thought about what’ll happen when I retire. I hope to play hockey until I die. Maybe I can coach a kids’ team or something.”

“That’s sweet,” Nila comments.

My cheeks feel hot.

“Okay, one more question before we wrap this up...” She appears to be scrolling through something, her brows furrowed. “What’s your ideal date?”

I cock my head to the side. “Different question.”

She gives me a weird look. “What’s your favorite food?”

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