Page 14 of Penalty of Love

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“I don’t know. Are you going to kill me with your race car driving?”

“Oh, come on, I’m a good driver.”

“Yeah, that’s what they all say,” I mumble under my breath, heading toward the passenger side. Suddenly, Cameron is there, opening the door for me. “Um, thanks.” I avoid his gaze—which I’m realizing is something I do a lot with him.

“My dad really liked you.” His tone is difficult to read, and before I can say anything, he slams the door.

Was that a bad thing?

I watch him trudge around the front of the car, and I catch myself staring at the broadness of his shoulders. He’s tall and lean, but obviously strong. He’s built in a way that would intimidate a lot of men.

I bet he could carry me a long way if he had to.

I shake my head at myself, nearly laughing at how ridiculous the thought is.

“Sorry you had to go through all that.” His words catch me off guard.

“What do you mean?” My brow furrows. “Your dad is a total sweetheart—and he’s hilarious.”

Cameron’s jaw tenses as he starts the car. “Yeah ... he can be pushy though. I’m pretty sure he’s ready for me to settle down and all that. And I’m sure he now thinks you’re the perfect person to settle down with…”

I nod, smiling as I think of my grandma. “I think it’s just a parent thing. Now that we’re grown-ups, they want to have grandkids. Which I’d imagine is kind of like having kids all over again—but only the fun parts.”

Unless you’re forced to raise them on your child’s behalf like Gran was.

“I don’t know...” His voice trails off as he exits the restaurant parking lot and roars down the street toward my hotel. “Can I ask you a question?”

My heart flip-flops in my chest. “Um ... sure?”

“Don’t you get tired of your phone blowing up all the time? I mean, you couldn’t even sit through dinner without it ringing multiple times.”

“I’m sorry. That was rude of me. Which is why I put it on silent mode.”

Cameron shakes his head, giving me a weird look. “No, no, not at all. I’m just genuinely curious how you put up with it.”

“Oh,” I say with a sigh. “Well, to be honest, other than social media, it doesn’t usually go off all that often. Tonight was just my ex-boyfriend blowing it up.”

“Oh. Is this like … a stalker situation, or?”

I chuckle, shaking my head. “No, nothing like that. Just a guy who can’t seem to accept that we’re over.”

Cameron nods, his grip tightening on the steering wheel as we hit a red light.

“So what happened between you two?” he blurts out and then immediately backtracks. “Sorry. You don’t have to tell me. That was inconsiderate.”

I laugh. “It’s not a juicy breakup story if that’s what you’re after. We dated for about six months. But I’ve been trying to grow my career, and ever since I became an independent consultant, I have to travel a lot more.”

“What does that have to do with a relationship?”

I tilt my head. “Um, distance makes things difficult.”

Cameron shrugs. “I guess.”

“It’s just that Aaron wanted my attention every waking moment. He said if we got serious, I’d have to quit my job.”

Cameron’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Quit your job? Just like that?” His disbelief is evident in his voice as he navigates the Lamborghini through the busy Atlanta streets.

“Yeah, it caught me off guard, to be honest. I’ve always been passionate about my career, and I never expected someone I cared about to ask me to choose between them and my job. Not to mention, he got super jealous whenever I had to work late or travel for a project. It just became too suffocating.” I shake my head at the memory. Of course, the one time I finally put myself out there after losing Gran, the relationship turned out to be a dud—it’s just my luck.

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