Page 80 of My Marriage Pact

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In the shade, we take a seat around the wooden table, and Larisa offers us fresh champagne. “Now, I need to make a toast! For our friendship! May we forever be as close as we are now! As loved and cherished, the three best friends that ever were!”

We bring the three glasses together and clink them. I watch as Larisa takes a big gulp and quietly set down my own glass.

“What’s the matter?” Larisa asks, her voice laced with concern. “Why are you not drinking? Oh, no, is the champagne spoiled? Is it sour? It tasted fine to me—”

“No, no. I just … guys, I need to tell you something.” I brace myself, take a deep breath, and reach across the table to take both their hands in mine.

“Larisa, Jo, I was waiting to come and see you this week because I wanted to tell you this in person. And to both of you at the same time, of course, because you both mean so much to me. Guys … I’m pregnant!”

Larisa lets out a piercing scream and jumps out of her chair. She starts to run around the terrace, clapping and letting out loud hurrahs of joy.

“I knew it!! I knew it!! I told Gianluca that you were going to be the first one to get pregnant! It was only a matter of time before you and Evan had a child. Your relationship is so long, it goes back so many years! Oh … Emmy. I’m just so … I have no words … I can barely breathe. I’m so incredibly ecstatic, overjoyed … For you, for Evan … for us! For our group, our family!” Larisa hugs me tightly and continues to talk. “Congratulations. Oh, I’m going to be an aunt! Congratulations!”

“Thank you so much! Honestly, it means so much to me that this news makes you so happy…”

We both look toward Jo.

“Come on, Jo. Get in here! I’m sure you want to congratulate her too!” Larisa says.

“Of course, I do. I just … I was taken by surprise, that’s all.”

“I was too! Now, let’s hug and celebrate! I’ll ask for some orange juice from the kitchen!” Larisa replies.

“Hold on a second,” Jo says. “Guys … I need to tell you something as well.”

Both Larisa and I freeze, still holding hands.

“No! Say it isn’t so! No! Jo, are you serious right now? Is this real? Could this be actually happening?” Larisa explodes again.

Jo’s face bursts into a wide grin. “Guys, I’m pregnant too!!”

I cover my mouth with my hand while Larisa is just screaming now. “Same time pregnancies! Pregnancy pals! Oh, my gosh!! We’re having two babies! Well, you’re having babies, but … I’m so happy!” she says.

“Emmy, why didn’t you tell me on the plane?” Jo asks me.

“Why didn’t you tell me on the plane?” I laugh.

“Because I wanted to wait and tell both of you at the same time.”

“Exactly. So did I!”

“Oh, it doesn’t matter, guys! We all know now and can really start the celebrations! Two babies, at the same time! Wait, when are you both due?” Larisa asks us.

“March fifth,” I say.

“March twentieth,” Jo says almost in unison.

“Get out of here! How perfect is this? Our babies will grow up together, Jo,” I tell her.

“I can’t wait!” She hugs me.

“And we can go through the pregnancy together, buy baby clothes, get the nurseries ready! It’s going to be so much fun!” I tell her as the excitement grows inside me.

For a moment, we stop, join hands, and look at each other.

“Guys, do you remember how this all started? We were three girls from Boston. Three regular girls with ordinary lives and an extraordinary friendship. And now…”

“And now we still have an extraordinary friendship and our lives … our lives are better than we could’ve imagined!” Jo says.

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