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"Oh my God. You guys are dating, aren't you?"

"Will you—-"

"Who said what first?" Etienne heard Kiernan ask excitedly. "And how?"

"It's nothing like that!" Spencer's mortification was evident in her tone.

"Then how?"

"It's just—-"

Etienne thought it prudent to press the doorbell again at that moment, and the sound caused both girls to gasp.

"He doesn't look pissed," Kiernan reported.

The commotion that followed made Etienne imagine the two girls taking alternating turns at looking at him through the peephole, and it was a struggle to keep his face expressionless.

"But I doubt Mr. H is used to waiting—-"

"Then go away so I can answer the door," Spencer retorted.

"Not until you answer one question first."

"Oh my God, Kier—-"

"Does he know you're in love with him?"

SPENCER WAITED UNTIL Kiernan had gone back into her room before grabbing her bag from the couch and flinging the door open. A part of her still wasn't sure whether she wanted her boss to still be waiting outside her apartment, but when her gaze collided with his—-

Yup, you're still horribly in love with him.

—-and this meant she did want to see Mr. H, even if she wasn't exactly sure it was a good idea to do so.

"Good morning, mi vavli."

Spencer's heart skipped a beat. What language was that, anyway? His voice had always been sexy, like cold, hard, naked ice that could make you shiver for the very best reasons, but ever since he started speaking in that Latin-sounding language of his, well...

She saw his gaze slowly dip down and knew without looking that he could only be staring at her breasts, which had not only grown heavy and swollen at the first sound of his voice but now sported shamelessly erect nipples as well.

Etienne watched Spencer's cheeks turn pink as she quickly crossed her arms over her chest. Too late, he thought. Much, much, too late, after what her roommate Kiernan had unknowingly let slip in his hearing.

"Stop staring at me like that," Spencer muttered. "So it's obvious I find you sexy. It's no big deal."

Things would be much easier if it were true, Etienne thought. But it wasn't, and sometime soon, he would need to figure out what to do about her...feelings, if they turned out to be real.

"Everyone thinks you're sexy." Spencer knew she was blabbing, and even though she hated herself for it, she just couldn't stop herself. "I'd be weird if I didn't—-" She bit back a yelp when long, hard fingers suddenly twined with hers.

And then Mr. H started walking, fast, and she had no choice but to catch up or have her boss drag her along with him.

"Will you please let go?" Before I do something I regret, Spencer thought worriedly, like getting turned on just because you're holding my hand.

But her boss only smirked. "Make me."

She let out a gasp. "That's unfair."

"Being born a Caro has nothing to do with fairness, mi vavli."

And there went her heart again, she thought with a mixture of irritation and giddiness. Why did his voice always end up sounding a hundred times sexier whenever he spoke that unknown language of his? She had actually tried getting Google to translate it last night, but absolutely nothing had come up.

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