Page 6 of Beast

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Ghost leans forward. “You’re going to have to give us more than that. It might help if we knew what we were protecting her from.”

“And it would have been nice if you had told us we were picking up your daughter, rather than a package,” Hawk adds.

Father holds up his hand. “She is my little gift, always has been since she was born,” he defends. I roll my eyes.

“Cut the shit, Bobby. What the fuck is going on? It’s not like you don’t have your own employees that could easily take care of her. Why us?” Ghost snaps.

I frown and look at my father, and for the first time, he looks worried. “I had a man work for me a long time ago. He betrayed me, in ways that go way beyond working with an enemy. He knows Belle, and he knows I’m here. He still knows some of my men; three of them have been taken out recently. Gone. Nothing but a pinkie finger left of them. It’s him.”

I frown, confused. “Uncle Charlie?” I question.

My father looks at me and nods. “Yes.”

“You said he had died, that he got killed in the crash with Mom,” I point out.

My father looks at the brothers. “Give us a minute,” he orders. They all nod and stand, walking away to give us some space. I look back and forth, wondering what my father is about to tell me. He grabs both of my hands in his. “You are the most precious thing to me in the entire world, you know that, don’t you?” he deflects.

“Dad, cut the crap. Tell me what is going on,” I snap.

He nods. “Listen, that day your mother died, the day before your 13th birthday, your uncle, Charlie, wasn’t who you thought he was.” He sighs. “Your mother didn’t die in a car crash. Charlie killed her while she was driving to pick up your favourite cake for your birthday,” he says. Tears trickle down my cheeks, and I shake my head. “He didn’t torture her; it was a quick shot to the head. He wanted to take me down, wanted me to crumble so he could take over the business,” he explains. “He ran, and I killed his so called men off one by one. I hunted him down like the vile creature he is, but no matter where I looked or how close I came to finding him, I couldn’t find him. Now I am in here and unable to protect you. I can’t lose you, too.” He sighs.

I snatch my hand away from his and stand. “If you knew he wanted to take over, you should have just let him. Then Mom would have still been alive!” I snap.

He stands. “I would have given him my entire fucking estate if I thought it would have saved your mother!” he yells.

I flinch, wiping my eyes. “I need air. I need to get out of here.” I rush out, making my way to the door.

The guard unlocks the door and allows me through. I can hear footsteps behind me, but I don’t turn around or bother to wait to for them to catch up. I need air. I need to breathe. Walking through the endless gates, and after waiting for what felt like a lifetime just to get outside into the fresh air, I finally make it outside and lean against the wall. I slide down it until I’m sitting, and wipe away my tears. I’m angry. Angry at my father for lying to me, and angry that she died because of him.

A cigarette is held in front of me, and I look up to see Beast stood there.

I shake my head. “I don’t smoke,” I state.

He shrugs before lighting his own. “I know. Just figured now might be the time you decide to take up the habit.”

I snort a laugh and shake my head. “Thanks, but no.” I sigh, rubbing my face. “God, what a fucking mess.” I sigh.

Beast sits next to me. “It ain’t that bad.” He shrugs.

I raise my brow and stare at him. “Ain’t that bad? It’s not that bad that my mother was killed because of my father and what he does?! If it wasn’t for him, she would still be alive,” I point out.

“Maybe, maybe not. She could have been hit by a bus, struck by lightning, shot at in a bank robbery. The point is, life is full of what if’s. She loved your dad, right?” he asks.

I nod.

“Right, so she loved him for him. I’m guessing knowing all the risks involved with being with someone like your dad, and from what he said, it happened by someone he trusted, not an enemy. Someone he trusted, someone your mom trusted. That could happen to any of us,” he adds before taking a long pull on his cigarette.

I look at him. “You know, you are pretty good at this advice stuff.”

Lifting his hand, he swipes away one of my tears. “I’m a man of many talents, beautiful.” He winks before he gets to his feet and holds his hand out for me. I take it and he yanks me to my feet. “Now, let’s go back in there and you can talk shit through with your dad properly,” he says. Keeping hold of my hand, he leads me back inside the prison.

“I don’t think we can just walk in and out. It’s a prison,” I point out.

He smirks at me. “Your dad practically runs the joint.”

I was still surprised that the guards didn’t seem to protest at us going back inside to see my father. When we walked back into the visiting room, my father’s eyes immediately land on me before dropping down to our clasped hands. I go to remove my hand, but Beast’s grip just tightens.

I look up at him. “Beast,” I hiss under my breath. He just ignores me as we continue to walk hand in hand to my father.

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