Page 54 of Beast

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“And send out the rest of the club!” Ghost barks.

“What were you doing at the other side of the fucking fields anyway?” Hawk asks.

“Bobby has offered me the business,” I state. Hawk raises his brow, and Rage’s gaze snaps to mine.

“You can’t. You’re a Black Hearts MC,” Rage states.

“Whatever you decide, you will have all our backing,” Ghost interrupts.

I nod as the rest of the club comes out. “What the fuck?” Spider asks. Walking down the steps, he kicks the dead guy’s leg.

“Yeah, he’s dead,” I confirm sarcastically.

Spider chucks me his cigarettes and lighter. “Ha-ha. Funny fucker, ain’t you?”

I smirk and take out a cigarette and light it, taking a long inhale. “Damn, I needed that,” I sigh.

“Right, enough with the fucking mothers’ meeting. You better tell us exactly what the fuck has happened,” Ghost demands.

I tell them everything and what the guy said. “So, whatever we had planned for Bobby, we had better do it now. It may stop them, if they find out he’s dead already,” I suggest.

Rage nods. “It’s easier now that we have a fresh body,” he says as he inspects the dead guy’s hand.

“What are we going to blow him up in?” Spider asks.

Hawk smiles. “What’s better than the ambulance he left the hospital in?” he asks, nodding in the direction of the slightly hidden ambulance.

“That’s all good, but it’s got to look believable to Charlie and his men. He ain’t going to believe we suddenly decided to kill him,” Cash points out.

Spider smiles. “That’s easy. We mess with the engine, a slow petrol leak, the brakes dodgy wiring. By the time the thing goes up in flames, and the police release their report on it, Bobby will be long fucking gone. They ain’t going to give a shit. Then they can do what they wanted and take over.”

“Not if Beast accepts Bobby’s offer to take over from him,” Hawk points out.

They all look at me, and I sigh and shake my head. “I ain’t going nowhere. You are my brothers,” I state.

“You sure? The idea of being your own boss not tempting you?” Ghost presses.

I smile and shake my head. “Fuck, now I see how much we all fucking stress you out. I don’t want to age this beautiful face,” I mock.

They all laugh. “Right. Rage, get the axe and make yourself useful,” Ghost says, pointing to the body. Rage nods and grabs the arm of the dead guy and goes to drag him up the steps to the house. “Not inside the fucking house. Use the shed,” Ghost says, pointing to it.

Rage nods and drags the dead guy across the gravel to the shed. “You see that smile on his face? It’s like he thought it was Christmas.” Ghost laughs.

“Man, I love that crazy fucker,” Hawk sighs.

“Right, Spider and Hawk, go rig the ambulance and see what’s on there that would cause a natural explosion and make it so that there is a crash. Cash and Scar, go and check the perimeter. Make sure there ain’t no more of the fuckers hiding in the bush. Everyone else, keep the fucking women out of our way. Beast, you’re with me. We need to tell Bobby,” Ghost says, barking his orders.



“I can’t take your offer, Bobby. I love my brothers and club too much. Plus, if I take your role, that just puts me and Belle under the spotlight. That ain’t something I want for her,” I explain.

Bobby smiles and nods. “I appreciate your honesty. And I’m happy that my daughter’s well-being is the first thing you think of.” He sighs. “Now, for me to die this soon, I better make some calls.” He smiles.

I look to Ghost, and he gives me a brief nod and I leave, going in search of Belle. I find her curled up on the window seat reading. “Beautiful, I need to talk to you a moment,” I say, interrupting her. She looks up from her book, her warm brown eyes full of worry. I hold out my hand and she takes it, placing it in mine. I quickly lead her into our room and turn to face her.

“What is it? You are scaring me,” she states.

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