Page 26 of Beast

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He frowns. “Had what, an orgasm?” he asks.

I shake my head no. “No, well I have given myself them, but I have never...”

“If there is anything you want to try darlin’, I am happy to teach you.” He winks.

“No, not, well,” I stutter, finding it hard to get my words out.

“Darlin’, what is it?” he presses.

I close my eyes. “I’ve never had penetrative sex,” I breathe.

I squint my eyes open, and his face is confused. “You talking about anal?” he asks. I shake my head no. He moves, sitting up against the headboard. “But when we picked you up from your house, you were tied to the bed with that little prick,” he states.

I sit up and face him, even though I am dying inside with embarrassment. How many 24 year old virgins are there? “He was going to be my first. I lied to him. Well, I didn’t lie. I just didn’t tell him. I was just so fed up of being a 24 year old virgin, so I just figured I would get it over with. He suggested doing some stuff. I had read Fifty Shades, and I had some idea, but then I freaked out, and that’s when you guys came in,” I admit. He doesn’t say anything for a while, and it has my anxiety reaching whole new levels. “Will you just say something?” I press.

“You ever been touched?” he asks. “You ever had a guy’s mouth on your pussy?” he growls. His jaw is set tight, and he looks pissed off.

I fiddle with my hands and look down, feeling embarrassed. It’s like I’m being told off, like some naughty kid. “Uh, Kyle touched me over my panties, but he never, er, put anything inside me. But I’ve given blow jobs before,” I say on a positive note.

“You came to me practically naked. You had this confidence,” he mutters, as if talking things over to himself.

“Yeah, I’m good at putting that on, but then I freak out when it actually comes to anything.” I shrug.

“How? How in the fuck have you never been fucked?” he asks.

“You know I’m a daughter of a mob boss, right? The boys didn’t exactly throw themselves to date me. I constantly had a bodyguard watching over me. It’s only been since Dad’s been inside that I’ve really had some freedom,” I admit. He sits there staring at me, his face a mixture of shock and something else. I’m not sure what.

“I don’t know what to do about this,” he says honestly.

I flinch. “I’m sorry. You don’t know what to do about what? Me?” I get up off the bed and grab my clothes off the chair. “I will make this really easy on you. You don’t have to worry about this.” I gesture, pointing at myself. “I am done. Go find some other bitch you can fucking fertilise!” I yell. I storm out of his room and walk straight into mine, slamming the door hard.

Needing to get out of here, I quickly change into my running clothes. People don’t think I run because of my size, but it’s something I love to do when I need to clear my head. I put on my headphones and make sure the volume is turned up high. I walk past Beast’s room, not giving it a second glance. I don’t see anyone else as I leave. I jog out of the gates and along the quiet road, my heavy rock playlist fuelling my angry energy, making me run faster and push myself harder than I normally would.

I turn off the busy road I find myself on, and turn down a dirt track, needing a more quiet and peaceful run. Eventually it comes to a dead end, and deciding I should probably just jog back, I turn and run back down along the dirt track toward the main road. A grey SUV is driving towards me at some speed, the tyres kicking up dust and gravel. I frown, because they don’t appear to be slowing down. They continue to drive towards me at a hurtling speed.

I wave, hoping to get their attention to slow down, but they don’t. I have nowhere to go apart from diving into the bushes. “Hey!” I scream as they approach, and with no more options, I jump and dive into the bushes for safety as the SUV speeds past me. I hiss in pain as the sharp needles on the bushes scratch and cut me. I move, getting to my feet. I turn back around and see the SUV in the distance has stopped at the end of the road. Not wanting to hang around, I start running, my legs protesting from the 2 mile run I had taken to get here.

I keep checking over my shoulder to see if the SUV has turned around and is heading my way. I breathe a sigh of relief when I don’t see it. I still keep up the pace, wanting to get back to the busier road for safety. I can see the road just up ahead. I slow my pace slightly, feeling more at ease, but that is short lived when I hear the sound of a speeding SUV coming up behind me. This time I don’t try to wave them down. They are coming too fast.

I immediately dive out of the way, cringing as the bushes and thorns cut into my skin further. “Shit!” I hiss through my teeth. I hear tyres screeching and horns beeping as the truck pulls out onto the busy road, cutting up other vehicles. I scramble to my feet and begin to jog back, this time limping slightly, as I must have gone over on my ankle slightly when I tried to dive out of the way.

It takes me twice as long to make it back to the club. As I run through the metal gate, the door to the club swings open, slamming against the wall.

Beast walks out towards me, a furious expression on his face. It soon softens when he sees the state of me. He stops in front of me, reaching out to help me. “What the fuck happened?” he asks. I slap his hand away, not wanting his help. “Belle,” he says.

I ignore him and continue to limp my way to the club.

“Belle, what the fuck happened?!” he repeats, yelling.

I limp into the club and Ghost, Star, and Spider are stood at the bar. Star looks at me, her eyes wide as she rushes over. “What the hell?!” she asks, taking my arm and helping me to the couch. I sit down, wincing.

“Someone tried running me down,” I say as I remove my headphones and place them down next to me. Spider hands me a glass of water, which I take and down it. Panting, I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.

“What the fuck do you mean, someone tried running you down?” Beast asks.

I ignore him completely.

Star looks from me to him, not asking questions about the situation between me and Beast. “So, tell us exactly what happened,” she presses.

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