Page 10 of Beast

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“Pack it,” I demand quietly as I hand it to her.

She swallows and takes it without protest, placing it in her bag before scurrying off out of the room.

I smile. This is going to be fun.



Back at the club, the girls helped me unpack my bags into one of the spare rooms. It was slightly better than the one I had to sleep in the night before. I think Queenie had cleaned it especially and added a vase with flowers and a throw across the base of the bed to make it more homely, and probably a little more feminine. Unlike the other room being across the hall from Beast’s, this one is right next door. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. I was kind of hoping I would be further away. Was I attracted to him? Absolutely. I just think that maybe the timing isn’t great, and I think I’ve bitten more off than I can chew with him.

I was dumb with Kyle. I wanted to try something. I was trying to be adventurous. Unfortunately, he was terrible at it and ignored my protest, even before he had properly started. I don’t think I could handle a man like Beast, and I would certainly disappoint him. I have the bravado of a mob princess. I’m not afraid of the bad guys, because I’ve grown up with them my entire life. Never let anyone know they can upset you, and never let anyone know they can break you. My dad taught me that, and the only man to ever make me cry is him.

Standing in the bathroom, I wash my face, removing the heavy make-up I wore to get my stuff. I can’t help but smile at the night’s events. I’ve been here for 2 nights now, and they have taken me under their wing like I’m one of them. Which is nice, different actually. You don’t exactly get a load of friends and invites when your dad is, well, my dad.

As I’m patting my face dry, there’s a tap at the door. I walk to the door and open it, seeing Beast stood there, each hand on the edge of the door frame, caging me in. “Yeah?” I ask calmly, like my stomach hasn’t just done that flip flop feeling.

“It’s late. Why aren’t you asleep yet?” he asks.

I frown. “It’s 3:30am. I was just washing off my make-up and going to bed,” I answer. I shake my head. “Wait! What is it to you?” I snap.

He shrugs. “I could hear you moving around in here. Wondered why you hadn’t just gone straight to bed. I thought something was up,” he answers, like that’s a reasonable thing.

I cross my arms, and his eyes flicker to my breasts in my pyjama tank top. “Well, if there was something horribly wrong, I will scream, yell, call out your name to come rescue me. How’s that?” I counter. His lips twitch, fighting a smile. “And if that is all you wanted, I am going to sleep. So, goodnight,” I add. I grab the door and push it hard to slam it shut, but of course, it doesn’t. Instead, Beat grabs it with his hand.

He doesn’t say anything for what feels like an eternity, when in reality it’s probably only around 10 seconds. He then steps forward. I freeze, wondering what he is doing.

Leaning down, he places a soft kiss on my cheek. “Goodnight, beautiful,” he says softly, his lips brushing against my cheek before he steps back, taking hold of the door handle and closing the door behind him, leaving me stood there, feeling things.

I turn around and climb into bed, laying there wide awake, my mind whirling with a million questions. It took me a long time to drift off, my last thought the feel of his lips against my cheek.

I awake later that morning, feeling exhausted. I roll over as my alarm goes off. I groan as I switch it off and climb out of bed. I rub my face and sigh. I probably only had a few hours of sleep, at most. I get up and go to the bathroom, deciding that a nice long hot shower might be what I need. Stepping under the hot spray, the water cascading down my tired body feels beyond incredible. After just standing there for a good few minutes, I wash my hair and body. Switching the shower off, I step out and grab the towel, pausing to wrap it around my body. I grab a separate one for my hair and begin to towel dry it as I walk back into my room. I quickly get dressed, apply some subtle make-up, and dry my hair a little so it’s not soaking wet, leaving the rest to air dry. I don’t have much time.

I pull out my outfit; a black high-waisted pencil skirt that stops just below my knee, and an emerald green, ribbed square neck top. I quickly chuck it on and grab my heels, spray on a quick spritz of perfume before grabbing my bag. I leave my room and walk quickly while ordering a cab on the app. Not looking where I am going, I walk straight into a hard wall.

“Omph!” I grunt, nearly dropping my phone. Large hands steady me, holding my waist. I look up and see Beast staring down at me.

“Where are you rushing off to?” he asks.

“Work,” I answer.

He frowns. “You work?”

I roll my eyes. “Yes, I work. Just because my father is a mob boss, with endless amounts of money, that doesn’t mean I don’t work. I earn my own money. I don’t like asking my father for anything,” I state, catching the time on my phone. “Look, I have to go, or I will be late setting up,” I say as I try to side-step out of his hold. I sigh. “What?” I ask.

“We didn’t know you had a job. We are supposed to be keeping you safe,” he states.

“Yeah well, I work at Edmond High school. You can’t just walk in without being checked in. You need to have a pass and walk through the metal detector, so I am pretty safe,” I answer. I try to walk off, but he doesn’t release his hold.

“You work at a high school?” he presses.

“Yes, you know, where teenagers go to learn. I teach them, and now I have to go. I need to prepare for today’s lessons, as I didn’t really get a chance over the weekend with all that happened,” I state.

“I will take you,” he states.

I shake my head. “Thanks, but I don’t think I can swing my leg over a bike in this outfit,” I say, pointing to my clothes.

His eyes lazily sweep my body. “I will drive the truck. Go wait for me, while I change,” he says as he releases me.

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