Page 91 of Drift Would

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I have no projections. The medic surprised him with that admission. Cure’s default was to be certain about everything. But whatever they’re seeking to find, we’ll ensure they won’t locate it.

Contact me if you require assistance. Drift’s portion of their mission had been completed.

The weapon was destroyed. His focus was fully on his female now.

I’ll do that. Cure ended the transmission.

“Were there medics in those land transports?” Drift’s female looked up at him.

“There were medics and one determined cyborg.” Drift nodded.

Drift’s female blew out her breath. “Part two of the Plan has been activated.”

“I project it has been activated.” He processed the source of her emotional damage. “Cure will protect your friend.”

“Like you protected me.” His female covered his hands with hers.

“Like I protected you.” He smiled down at her. “But slower.”

His female laughed.

He clasped that joyous sound to his heart.

And he ran faster, carrying her toward their ship.


Two shifts later, Roshini stood in the doorway to their private chambers on board the modified freighter.

She had grieved over the loss of Luam and the rest of her team. And that grieving wasn’t done.

But, for now, she pushed her sorrow to the back of her mind and focused on another being.

Her much-beloved yet frustratingly stubborn cyborg.

“Why is your ass off that sleeping support?” She placed her now-healed hands on her flight suit-clad hips. “You’re supposed to be repairing.”

A thin layer of light gray skin covered the back of her male. It concealed his previously exposed shiny silver frame. There were also patches of new skin on his sides where he had damaged himself while pulling off the remnants of his fused-on body armor.

She had pumped him full of pain inhibitors when they returned to their ship. And she had cleaned him carefully and thoroughly.

He had been a bloody mess and had smelled of burnt flesh and death. She’d almost passed out when she’d first seen him. The agony he must have been endured caused her stomach to heave.

Drift had, thankfully, healed a bit, and his pain, according to him, had decreased.

Which explained why the cursed male thought he was well enough to move around the chamber.

“The most-beautiful thief in the universe has stolen our modified freighter and flown it to another location.” His gray eyes glimmered with humor. “I seek to apprehend her.”

“That relocation was for our own protection.” She walked up to him. “And for Bubs and Bujji. The Invaders?—”

“The few that remain on the planet.” Her cyborg hooked his arms around her waist and pulled her snug against him.

The tension in her form immediately dissolved.

“The few that remain,” she amended. Those beings would either soon leave Cancri B or they would die. The Cancris preferred peace, but they had learned not every being felt the same way. And they would protect themselves. “They’ll look for beings to strike back at, and I don’t want any attention drawn to the beverage outlet.”

“We have to protect the beings we care about.” Drift nodded.

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