Page 50 of Drift Would

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But she wanted to be wrong. Drift was a warrior and a cyborg and seemed like an intelligent, competent being. He might uncover a solution they hadn’t considered.

Then she wouldn’t die. The team she led wouldn’t die. And she wouldn’t have to ask them to make that ultimate sacrifice.

Until then, she had to assume the Plan would remain in place. And that meant she had to visit Luam as she always did every planet rotation.

“I have to leave.” She reluctantly slipped off her cyborg’s lap and stood. “Do you need the flight suit back right away?”

“It’s yours.” Drift rose to his booted feet also. “I’m coming with you.”

She donned her boots and gathered the pieces of her ore-miner disguise. “What I have to do, I have to do alone.”

“Your humanoid friend won’t see me.” Her cyborg proved, yet again, that he was impossible to deceive.

“It isn’t Luam I’m worried about.” She marched toward the exit. “The Invaders might be watching him.”

Luam’s home was left empty when he wasn’t there. It wasn’t secure like Bubs’s Place. And the enemy didn’t fear the site like they feared her caves.

They could have placed recording devices around her friend’s home.

“The Invaders won’t see me either.” Drift followed her to her mounted transport. “Drop me off at a secluded spot before you reach the meeting site. I’ll protect you on booted feet.”

“I don’t need your protection.” She crammed her stuff into the seat compartment.

“You have it whether you need it or not.” Her cyborg was one stubborn being.

She didn’t have time to argue with him.

The sky was already decorated with streaks of color. The sun was peeking over the horizon.

And she couldn’t travel to Luam’s home directly. She wasn’t wearing the right disguise.

“I have to make a stop first.” She turned and eyed her cyborg.

His actions and his words communicated that he was, at least, temporarily on her side.

His captain was determined to locate the Invaders’ weapon. And all of his kind seemed to hate their shared enemy.

Taking him back to her cave was a big step, however. Supplies were stored there.

She would have to tell him the Plan in order for him to tweak it. But giving him access to the materials needed to complete it opened up the prospect of sabotage.

It was a huge risk.

“Then we’ll make that stop.” Drift met her gaze. “And don’t jump on your machine and try to leave without me, my female. I’ll chase you. And I’ll catch you.”

Fates. He had read her mind.

“You couldn’t catch me.” She called him on that bovine shit. He might be a cyborg, but he remained a being. And her mounted transport was fuckin’ fast.

“I could catch you.” The cursed male sounded certain about that. “My acceleration is faster than your machine’s.” He leaned forward until his face was a breath away from hers. “I’m fabricated for speed both in the air and on the ground, my doubting little human.”

“I’m tempted to test that claim.” She lifted her chin.

He grinned. “Then test it.”

The male was impossible.

“I don’t have time for those games.” She climbed onto her mounted transport. “Get on.”

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