Page 28 of Drift Would

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She had to lure him far away from the beings she cared about.

First, she had to ensure her friends didn’t try to free her from his clutches. Because they would do that. Their loyalty to her and to the Plan was that strong.

She suspected any rescue attempts would end in their deaths.

The cyborg might have spared them once, deciding for some unknown reason to merely stun them. But she couldn’t count on that leniency from him twice.

She extracted Luam’s handheld from the immobilized male’s holster. “Don’t follow me.” She entered that message into the device. “I’ve got this and I’ll see you at sunrise.”

“We’ll see you at sunrise.” The cyborg grinned at her. “I’m not leaving your side.”

“I’ll show you proof of your so-called enemy’s presence before the end of the shift.” She patted Luam’s shoulder, cast a gaze over the others, and then walked out the door.

It might be the last time she saw any of them. She didn’t know what the cyborg truly had planned for her. He might kill her.

The thought of dying didn’t bother her. She touched her cloth-covered stomach. Death was already coming for her.

But she would have liked to see the Invaders and their horrid weapon decimated before she left the universe. That would have given her great satisfaction.

The cyborg followed her as she moved toward her mounted transport. She recognized all the other vessels parked in the space. “Where’s your ship?”

“We can take yours.” He gazed at her mounted transport with open admiration

His appreciation for her machine softened some of her irritation over his presumption she’d fly him anywhere he wanted to go.

“Do you expect to get a ride back with your buddies? Oops.” She placed her right hand over her mouth, feigning dismay. “I mean with your so-called enemy?”

“The Humanoid Alliance aren’t my so-called enemies, my female.” His eyes glinted with amusement. “They are my enemies. And I’m getting a ride back to my ship with you.” He paused. “Eventually.”

That eventually worried her. Fates, everything about the situation worried her.

Including how much she wanted him.

She climbed onto the mounted transport. “If you’re coming, get on.” She gestured behind her. Because he wasn’t fuckin’ flying her machine. That was for certain.

Doubts about her decision surfaced when he straddled her form. The full front of him pressed against the full back of her.

Her breath hitched. As did his.

The contact was stimulating, immediate, and…right.

The tension building inside of her magically eased. Her shoulders lowered.

Her defenses threatened to do the same.

“Give me some space, cyborg.” Her voice was embarrassingly gruff.

“I’m a big male. There’s no more space behind us to give.” His voice lilted. The cursed male found their proximity funny. “But you have endless space stretching in front of you, my female.” He gestured in that direction. “Let’s see how fast this sweet ride can go.”

She wanted to tell him to fuck all the way off.

But her pride in her machine wouldn’t allow her to do that. His words called to her speed-loving heart.

She revved the engines, and they shot into the darkness.

The cyborg whooped.

His genuine joyful reaction drove her to fly faster. Wind whipped at her garments.

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