Page 26 of Drift Would

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“I built it myself.” Pink bloomed on her orange cheeks. “You’re not shooting back at me.”

“Being stunned hurts.” He dashed across the chamber. “I would never damage you intentionally in any way.”

He glided his fingertips over her cloth-covered back.

And they both shuddered.

Touching her was better than running. It was pure ecstasy.

“You want to stun me because I have to be alive to be interrogated.” Her top lip curled. “You might as well use projectiles. Because I’ll die before telling your leaders anything.”

“Then I’ll never allow you to be interrogated.” He’d safeguard her. “And I’ll also never use projectiles on you, my fragile human female. I’ll use other means to receive answers to my queries.”

Cure’s contact might be more forthcoming.

“Fuck you.” Drift’s female braced her booted feet apart and shot at him.

The projectile bombardment was slowing. His little human was tiring.

“We can breed later.” His body armor-constrained cock bobbed. That part of him liked that proposal. “We detected a pulsing sound in our sector.” He’d present his queries and observe her response. “It was similar to the sound caused by a superweapon fabricated by our enemy, and it originated from this section of space.”

His female’s gunfire paused. It was only for three heartbeats, but it was telling.

Hope coursed through Drift.

She processed something about the sound. The trip to Cancri B had been justified.

“I don’t know anything about that.” Her voice rose ever so slightly. The change in octaves would have been indetectable by most purely organic species.

But Drift was a cyborg, and he was paying attention to her, his female. “The ship supplied to the Powluk was also fabricated by our enemy.”

His female stopped shooting. “How do I know you’re not working with this supposed enemy?”

That accusation decimated all of his mirth.

“That enemy decommissioned millions of my brethren.” He would never work with the Humanoid Alliance. “The Humanoid Alliance stripped them of their parts while they were alive, slicing and dicing them. Their screams of agony have a permanent place in my processors. It was the most painful of deaths.”

“No, that’s not the most painful of deaths.” The bleak expression on his female’s beautiful face emotionally damaged him. “But it’s bad. And I suppose they didn’t give you any pain suppressors.”

“They viewed us as disposable weapons.” Drift slowed to a jog. “Weapons don’t warrant pain suppressors.”

“Fates.” She looked around them, at the beings he’d stunned. “You could be lying.”

“Cyborgs can’t lie.” That was hard coded into their programming.

“You could be lying about that.” She challenged him.

“You’re a clever being.” He laughed. “I could be lying about that.”

Her lips twitched. “But I have to take a chance that you aren’t lying. You move too fast to shoot.”

“There’s that.” Drift was entertained by her logic.

“And you haven’t killed anyone. Yet.” She frowned. “I suspect you could have killed everyone in here, including me.”

“I would never damage you.” But yes, he could have killed every being in the beverage outlet. Easily. The humanoids hadn’t been fabricated for war as he had been.

“I’ll go with you and point out your supposed enemy to you, but only if you vow to me you won’t harm any of the beings here.” His female lifted her chin.

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