Page 10 of Drift Would

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There was no need for lights. She knew every pathway. And the shadows and the moonlight were her friends. She?—

“What are we looking for, again?” A male voice, speaking in the universal language, sliced through the silence.

Roshini pressed her form against the exterior of a structure. And she listened. Any intel she gathered might help the cause. It might assist in the Plan.

“The fuck I know.” A second male responded. “One of them acting suspiciously? They can’t give us a fuckin’ description. ‘Cause all those orange fuckers look alike.”

Each Cancri was unique.

But the invaders didn’t see that. All they saw was the orange skin and the black hair.

Roshini touched her pigment-coated cheeks. That made fooling the enemy much easier.

“They think one of the Cancri males fucked up the top-secret project none of us are supposed to know anything about.” The second male snorted. “Like those orange fuckers have the brains to pull that off.”

The Invaders were so damn arrogant. She curled her top lip. They viewed the peace-loving, simple-living Cancris as being their inferiors.

The opposite was true. The locals had evolved past the need for weapons and war.

Roshini crept closer to the males.

A Cancri family had placed small rock sculptures honoring each of the three Fates outside their domicile. The Invaders had sat their disrespectful asses down on the carved heads of two of them.

Her disgust increased.

“Then who do you think messed it up?” The first male, the shorter of the two invaders, looked up at the other male. He clutched his long gun with both of his hands.

Both of them wore uniforms sporting Humanoid Alliance patches.

“I’m thinking it was the Syndiculs.” The second male named the beings on Syndiculous 5, a planet within their sector, as the culprits. “But that’s just a hunch.”

It was a hunch based on the Syndiculs being human.

Roshini shook her head.

“And I’m keeping that to my fuckin’ self.” The second male unfastened the top of a beverage container and took a swig from it. “If our leaders want us to rough up some orange fuckers, I ain’t saying no to that.” The grin he gave the other male exuded a stomach-churning maliciousness. “And if some of those orange fuckers we rough up end up dead at the bottom of a pit somewhere, I ain’t talking about that to no one neither.”

The other male laughed.

He laughed at the prospect of killing innocent Cancris.

Roshini bent and touched the dagger hidden in her left boot. The temptation to draw the weapon and throw it was tremendous.

Her aim would be true. And one of the males would be dead.

She would be glad of that ending. They were vile.

But killing the males would only draw more attention to the settlement and bring more punishment onto its inhabitants. And it might put the Plan, both parts of it, in jeopardy.

She straightened and forced herself to move to the right, away from the two males.

They had disrespected the Fates. Those deities would seek retribution.

If they deemed Roshini worthy of participation in the doling out of that justice, the two males would be stationed near the Invaders’ precious weapon when she blew it up.

They would then be the beings roughed up.

Roshini’s chin lifted as she ran faster.

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