Page 11 of Dr. Danger

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”Sometimes,” I breathe.

He scowls. ”I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

Joe looks up, his brow furrowing. "And who are you to give her advice on what she should do? Last I checked, you're here to take care of her, not run the place."

The doctor’s jaw tightens. ”Seems to me like the only ones running things around here, are you and your girlfriend.”

Joe smirks, clearly unfazed. ”You have a problem with that?”

The banter between them escalates, each man’s voice growing louder. ”Enough of this, both of you!" I shout, my frustration boiling over. I push myself up from the chair, but my knees buckle under me, my vision blurring.

Before I can hit the ground, the doctor is there, scooping me up effortlessly. The sudden motion makes my head spin, but I automatically lean into his strong arms.

"Avon!" Malva and Joe both exclaim, their faces etched with worry.

Malva rounds on the doctor, her eyes flashing with anger. "This is your fault! You're supposed to make her better, not worse!”

Joe joins in, his voice heated. "Yeah, maybe you should stick to doctoring instead of abusing your authority."

"Stop it, please," I plead, my voice weak but insistent. "This isn’t helping."

The doctor’s grip on me tightens slightly, his face a mask of controlled fury. "She needs rest," he says, his tone brooking no argument. "All of this arguing is not good for her.”

”You’re the one who started it, hard-ass,” Joe mutters.

”Just take her to her room," Malva snaps. "And make sure you don’t upset her this time."

Joe stands back, his eyes still full of suspicion. ”Yeah. Actually take care of her, Doc," he mutters grudgingly. ”Think you know how to do that?”

”Think you know how to put your teeth back after I knock them out?” the doctor growls.

He carries me out of the kitchen, his steps measured and steady. I rest my head against his shoulder, too exhausted to protest further. The weight of everyone's feelings presses down on me, a heavy burden I’m too weak to carry.

The encounter in the kitchen drained me, both physically and emotionally. But the doctor’s presence, once impersonal, now feels like the biggest comfort in my life. I cling to our connection, with strength I don’t have. Then again, he’s strong enough for the both of us.



I carry Avon up the stairs, her body light in my arms. Her breathing is like work to her, each breath a struggle. The sight of her in such a state makes me want claw at my own chest. I reach her room and gently lay her down on the bed, my hands lingering for a moment longer than necessary.

Pulling out my phone, I quickly cancel the rest of my appointments for the day. I should feel guilty, but to be frank I don’t give a shit. Right now, all I know is that I can’t leave her when she’s like this.

She squirms on the bed, her breath coming in ragged gasps. I sit beside her, checking her pulse and murmuring reassurances. “I’m here. You have me all to yourself. I’m not going anywhere.”

Her eyes flutter open, surprise mingling with confusion. “All to myself, Dr. Deathweather?” she whispers, a smile spreading on her small lips. ”Aren’t I the luckiest girl in the world?”

“Will you stop with the doctor,” I say, my tone soft but firm. “Call me Darren.”

Her eyes widen a fraction, and I can see the wheels turning in her mind. She’s trying to reconcile the cold, detached doctor with the man sitting beside her now, gently stroking her hair off her forehead.

“I was hoping you’d say that,” she finally murmurs, sending a thrill through me.

I pull the curtains closed, shrouding the room in darkness to help her rest. The dim light cocoons her, sheltering her from the outside world. I move to the chair in the corner, positioning myself where I can watch over her.

Avon’s breathing steadies, but she still looks so breakable. I feel a surge of protectiveness, a foreign and uncomfortable sensation for me but I’m starting to get used to it.

She whispers something incoherent, and I realize she’s drifting into sleep. I lean back in the chair, keeping my eyes on her. The barriers I’ve built around myself is starting to crack, and it’s because of her. She’s too young, she wasn’t even supposed to know how to do this to me, yet somehow she knew exactly what buttons to push.

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