Page 49 of Just One More Dare

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“So,” he said, as they pulled into the driveway. “You can see it’s a little much.”

She laughed, taking in the massive home, especially for one man living alone.

“To be honest, I bought the place after a huge contract signing, because I could. Only after I moved in and it echoed did I realize what a foolish move it had been.”

“But it’s gorgeous, Dex. Show me around inside?”

He shut the engine to the rental sports car and walked around to open her door. Together, they strode up the walkway lined with red flowering shrubs she thought were bougainvillea because they looked like the plants surrounding her childhood home.

He unlocked the door and once inside, shut off the alarm. “There isn’t much to see furniture-wise since it’s in storage.” There were a few boxes in various rooms, waiting to be picked up and shipped, but mostly he was right. She was touring empty rooms. The place would be on the market soon, which she thought was a shame, since she’d fallen in love on sight. Maybe because the outside reminded her of her childhood home, as did the many rooms which could hold brothers and sisters like she had.

While he was inside making phone calls about the boxes and items that remained, she walked out back to look at the large, kidney-shaped pool and the built-in outdoor grill, refrigerator, and firepit. The place was lacking for nothing, she mused, and again felt a pang of sadness, this time because Dex hadn’t truly loved living here and had felt so alone.

“Ready to go?” Dex asked from the sliding glass door leading out to the pool.

She nodded. “Did you get everything done that you needed to?”

“I did. The boxes will be picked up and shipped by Monday. The company that takes care of the house will come by to open the place and facilitate things.”

“That’s great. What—” Her cell rang from inside her purse. “One sec,” she said and dug out the phone, glancing at it. “My lawyer.”

“Go ahead and take it,” Dex said.

She tapped the screen and put the phone to her ear. “Hello?”

“Hi, Samantha. Tim here. I’m calling to give you an update from the forensic accountants.”

She placed a supportive hand on the stone surrounding the grill. “Have they found anything off or unusual?” she asked.

She felt Dex’s gaze on her as she listened.

“There are some suspicious transactions that, at a glance, make them want to dig deeper. They don’t recognize the payees as having done business with your company recently and want to check further. I wanted to let you know Jeremy’s lawyers have been notified, so he’s likely aware, as well.”

“Great,” she muttered. “I appreciate the heads-up. Keep me posted.”

“Will do. Take care, Samantha.”

She disconnected the call. “Just what I need. Jeremy having something else to get worked up and angry over,” she muttered.

Dex stepped closer. “What’s wrong?”

She explained what Tim had told her and Dex immediately slipped his hand into hers. “You’ll get through this.”

“I know. It’s just so much more than I ever expected to deal with.”

He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. “Jeremy will be out of your life before you know it.”

She breathed in deep, inhaling his masculine scent. “You smell good,” she said, tilting her face to his.

He lowered his mouth, capturing her lips with a kiss that quickly turned hotter than the blazing sun above them. He lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist, taking advantage of their time alone. She wasn’t sure how long they stood there but she was certain she’d never enjoyed kissing anyone the way she did Dex. He made it an art form, something equally important as sex in a relationship. And this was truly becoming more than friendship. Even she could admit that to herself.

By the time they came up for air, Samantha’s shirt was damp from the sun and humidity and she was ready to go inside. Slipping his hand into hers, they headed in and he locked the door to the pool.

She glanced back, wishing she’d seen this place with the furniture out back, and the house filled.

“What are you thinking about?” Dex asked.

She turned to face him, smiling at the scruff that had grown on his handsome face. “This house.”

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