Page 41 of Just One More Dare

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Ignoring the discussion of their relationship status, her earlier words buzzed around his brain. He couldn’t figure out how she knew the network would care one way or another and suddenly realization dawned. “Austin. Did he call you?” he asked of his agent and her cousin.

She pulled her lush bottom lip between her teeth. “Well, to be fair, most of my family called this morning. When TNZ posts, it usually goes viral.”

Dex walked over and braced his hands on her hips. “Listen to me. As far as I’m concerned, we’re in this together.”

And he’d keep being there. That was the only way he could prove to her he was worth trying another relationship because he wasn’t going anywhere.

She stepped closer and then she was in his arms, hugging him tight, the tension in her body ebbing. “Thank you. But your career—”

“My character speaks for itself,” he interrupted her, his tone gruff. “If they don’t like it, they can shove their morality clause up their asses and I’ll sue.”

Despite the seriousness of the conversation, he felt her laughter against his chest. “You’re special, Dex.” She glanced up at him and he tipped his head, pressing his lips to hers… but not for long.

He wanted nothing more than to mess her up, smear her red lipstick, and take her against the wall, fucking her until her eyes teared and she came hard. But she was dressed for work and had obviously put time and effort into her appearance, no doubt due to everything going on around them, so he stepped back.

“Can I give you a ride to work?”

She smiled and nodded. “Before we walk out together, are you sure?”

“Dead sure.” He held out a hand and she placed her palm in his, confirming they were a team.


Pretending to be fine in front of Dex hadn’t been easy but she’d been doing it since the wedding. Nobody needed to see her fall apart. Despite her own emotional issues courtesy of her upcoming discussion with Jeremy that was bound to turn into an argument over the forensic accountant, and splitting up, or her buying out the business, today was about Dex. He was the one with a career at stake because of her life choices and he needed her support this time, not the other way around. The truth was, her stomach was churning, she was nauseous, and she hadn’t been able to eat anything today.

Samantha had been running on fumes since her wedding. Nerves that day had spiraled into a daily state of anxiety, something she’d kept to herself. She didn’t want anyone worrying about her more than they already were. Not even Dex knew how upset she was over the conversation she needed to have with Jeremy.

By the time Dex dropped her off at the building where her office was located, she’d grown dizzy but shook it off and chalked the feeling up to the ever-present anxiety. Today’s was worse, as men and women with cameras were waiting outside of both her apartment and work, standing on the sidewalk, snapping photos of her as she exited the car. It was so bad, Dex walked her to the doors, shielding her with his big body. Once inside, she’d insisted on heading upstairs alone.

She needed space to think because she understood the problem, even if Dex refused to see it. Them being together only fed the gossip and gave the paparazzi more to write about. She wasn’t a household name but for sports fans and women who followed hot athletes, Dex was well known. Add in his new contract and name in sports media, and his being with her made for juicy headlines and could possibly put his new job at risk.

Her cousin and Dex’s agent, Austin, wasn’t pleased with their relationship. He’d warned her that they both had something to lose but she could only see the downside for Dex and promised herself she’d pull back. Something Dex made difficult for her to do because he was always there for her in every way.

She stepped off the elevator and right into Jeremy.

“Just the person I wanted to see,” he said, approaching her with anger in his narrowed gaze. “How dare you embarrass me by hooking up with another man so soon after our broken engagement. It’s public and humiliating!”

Anger welled up inside her at the audacity of the man. “Are you kidding? Just because you weren’t caught publicly doesn’t mean you aren’t responsible for things ending. Don’t try and twist things around, Jeremy. I’m short on patience this morning and you’re the last person I want to see.” She turned to go and he grabbed her arm, spinning her around to face him again.

“Don’t walk out on me. We weren’t finished. You’ve been ignoring my calls and my texts about the business.” His face grew red with anger and she swallowed hard, jerking back her arm.

“Get your fucking hands off me and if you have a problem with my decisions about the business, talk to my lawyer.”

He narrowed his gaze. “Do you really think bringing in some outside forensic accountant is going to stop me from getting what’s mine? I built this business,” he said, his voice rising.

Oh no, he did not just say that. “We built this business and don’t you forget it,” she said, straightening her shoulders.

She wasn’t going to cower even if his fury was reminding her of that moment in her apartment when he struck her.

She glanced around but it wasn’t yet nine a.m. and they seemed to be alone.

He stepped closer and she backed herself against the nearest wall. “Move away,” she said in the sternest voice she could manage. Black spots flickered in front of her eyes. Dammit. She should have eaten something earlier.

“Hey! Get the fuck away from her!” Brandy rushed over and grabbed Samantha’s arm, pulling her from Jeremy who was looming over her. She stumbled toward her friend, grateful for her timing.

“Fucking bitch,” Jeremy yelled, before storming off in the direction of his office.

“I’m dizzy,” Samantha said, and Brandy immediately wrapped an arm around her waist and led her to a chair at the nearest desk.

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