Page 32 of Just One More Dare

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Dex’s hand squeezed tighter. “You matter, Samantha. Your feelings, your pain, it’s yours and it’s okay to own it.”

He hesitated and she processed his words, a lump growing larger in her throat the longer he was silent.

“Is that why you haven’t really broken down about Jeremy?” he asked. “Because you’re so used to stuffing your feelings down deep?”

She shook her head. “I haven’t broken down because I didn’t love him, but you’re right. I also haven’t allowed myself to feel real hurt over losing the life I wanted—not the man but the future I’d hoped for. The career, a husband, kids. I wanted what my mom never got. I wanted my kids to have what my dad never gave me. And I fucked up and chose the wrong man.” She wrapped her goosebump covered arms around herself.

Dex was out of his seat and sliding into her side of the booth in an instant. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close.

“Just because you chose wrong once doesn’t mean you’ll never see your dreams come true.” He kissed her temple. “Once you get through the rubble, you’ll see a whole new future ahead of you. As long as you remember that what you want matters.”

She leaned into him and sighed. “You’re a good guy, Dex. Solid. Thanks for this talk.”

“I didn’t mean for things to get so heavy but—”

“It’s okay. I needed to face those emotions. So tell me,” she said, eager to change the subject. “What’s next on our agenda tonight? You said we’re on a schedule.”

“We are. I also said it’s a surprise.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re frustrating.”

He let out a laugh. “And you’re impatient. Are you finished eating?” he asked.

She nodded. “Yep.”

“Then let’s head to the main destination.”

She was relieved to put the emotional drama away for the night and gathered their paper plates to toss in the garbage.

He slid out of the booth, then stood and held out a hand for her to do the same. After dumping the trash, they exited the pizza parlor and took a long walk, weaving through the crowds and ending up at a building she recognized.

“The Rooftop Cinema?” she asked, her excitement growing. “I read about this place but I haven’t had the chance to check it out. Do we have good seats?”

His grin held a hint of mischief. “The best. Let’s go see.”

A few minutes later, he’d checked in with someone and she discovered Dex had rented out the entire third floor rooftop for them alone. All the chairs she’d seen in pictures online had been packed away and just two remained facing the large screen.

The man who’d escorted them up whispered something to Dex before he walked away, disappearing through the door leading inside.

“What did he say?”

“That the popcorn’s over in the corner along with water bottles, soda, and blankets. Oh, and nobody will bother us or come in until the movie ends.”

Chapter Thirteen

After Dex left the earlier meeting with Austin and Quinn, he’d headed home, changed, and gone to the gym. He needed to slake his anger at Austin before he could process what his agent had been trying to say. As he’d bench-pressed weights, he didn’t make conversation with the trainer spotting him. He just gave serious consideration to what Austin told him, ultimately accepting that the man was just doing his job.

Austin’s words, along with Samantha’s need to take things slow, led him to decide that he could live his life and be with her, as long as he was discreet. Taking Samantha for pizza was the equivalent of friends going for a meal and the movie was completely private.

He hadn’t expected to get such insight into who Samantha was over pizza but he’d gotten it anyway. It was clear she needed someone who both saw and heard her, who recognized her needs in a way no one had before. And he wanted to be the man who gave that to her.

“This is amazing,” she said, drawing his attention back to the setting he’d planned. “You did this for us?”

“I wanted to give you something special.”

She reached up on her toes, wrapped her arms around his neck, and hugged him, her happiness and gratitude obvious. But within an instant the rubbing of their bodies changed the gesture into more.

“Dex,” she murmured, threading her fingers through his hair and scratching his scalp lightly with her nails.

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