Page 2 of Educating Emily

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Chapter 2

Emily shut the book with a satisfied sigh. If only she were in the privacy of her own quarters, she’d be able to take care of the ache in her dampened pussy. She really shouldn’t be reading during work hours at all, but she had come across an older, first-edition, Arabella Cole hardcover that she somehow had never read, and she hadn’t been able to resist. She only meant to read a little bit during her break, but that had ended an hour ago and she hadn't stopped reading.

She was supposed to be shelving books in the new college library as part of a punishment for staying up all night reading; it was more than a little ironic. One would think Master Derek ought to know better than to put a bookworm to work unsupervised in a library. She was going to have to report this to him, she supposed. As she slid the book back on the shelf, Emily bit her lip and gazed at it longingly. That last scene had been so unbelievably hot and depraved, her pussy was throbbing, and her panties were soaked through. All she could think about was the sweet relief of orgasm, and for just a split second, she seriously considered pleasuring herself right there between the shelves and stacks of books.

In for a penny, in for a pound, right?

Except, Emily wasn't really that kind of naughty. Staying up late or accidentally taking a long lunch was one thing but masturbating at work was certainly another.

Emily's fingers lingered on the spine of the book in question, and she slid it back off the shelf. Maybe if she read that last scene over, the action of reading it again would make it feel repetitive and unexciting. Maybe then she would be able to get some work done.

Reading it again definitely didn’t dissipate the pool of heat forming in her belly or the slick arousal between her legs. If anything, it just made the wanton pulsing worse.

Unable to help herself, Emily slid her back down the large maple bookshelf until she landed on the floor. Her legs bent in front of her, folded at the knees, with the soles of her patent leather Mary Janes flat on the floor in front of her, she stared at the closed book in her shaking hands.

The library was so silent, and the college wing was empty. No one was going to come in here. She knew that, and yet her heart still picked up its already racing pace.

With a heated flush rising up to burn her cheeks, Emily reached underneath her skirt, pushed aside the hem of her panties to slide her fingers between her slick slit. Unable to hold back, she moaned as she slipped her fingers up inside her. Stroking her wet folds, she searched for glorious relief. With her thumb massaging her clit, she leaned back against the solid wood of the oak bookcase and arched her back, finger-fucking herself into oblivion. A vibrator would have helped her finish the job much faster, but all she really needed was her imagination as she recalled the words she had just read.

She was just getting to the good part when the echoing tromp of footsteps sounded at the front of the library.

Emily froze, book still open, legs still parted, fingers still inside her sopping wet pussy. She couldn't move. She didn’t dare breathe, she just listened, praying whoever it was would just walk away. Who had walked into her library? Why would they, were they lost? The college building wasn't up and running yet, and the wing was mostly deserted. Surely, whoever it was had taken a wrong turn. If she sat very still and didn't make a sound, they would leave, and she would be alone once again.

Her pussy didn’t want to wait.

With a longing glance at the page she was reading, she slowly stroked the needy lips with one finger. Rather than soothing the achy throb, it only made her want more.

Soon,she told herself, locking her lips against a breathy moan. Soon.

The idea that she would shortly be safe to resume her reading and, more importantly, able to get off right here in the library was cut short by the familiar boom of an unmistakable voice.

"Our service submissive and resident bookworm, Emily Vaughn should be around here somewhere," Master Derek stated. Worse, it was obvious that he was talking to someone.

Shit. He wasn't even alone. And he was looking for her.

Yanking her hand out from under her skirt, she righted her thoroughly dampened panties as best she could. Making as little noise as possible, she rolled onto her knees and pulled herself up slowly.

"Emily has been working to get the library put together. She is a great help to me and a wonderful submissive who mostly stays under the radar and out of trouble.” He cleared his throat. “Just as long as she doesn’t get caught up in a book and loses track of time. If you find you need any help setting up your classroom, or getting your lessons together, Emily will be a great resource to call upon."

Emily frowned as she listened. If she didn't know better, it sounded almost as if Master Derek was being… well, Master Derek, and trying to make a match. But he wouldn't do that. Not for her. She wasn't looking for that. It was right there in her paperwork, plain as day, and she had made it abundantly clear in conversation several times. She was here to work and play and be in a community of like-minded people. She was not looking for a Dom.

A soft, low, even voice replied, but she couldn't make out what was being said. It wasn’t even a familiar voice and by now she’d have thought she knew everyone here. Unless one of his new hires was here ahead of schedule?

She was still standing behind the bookshelf, that wonderfully illicit book hugged open to her chest, wondering what to do, when Derek rounded the corner. The slender man behind him, completely overdressed for just about anywhere in Montana, much less the Ranch, had to be one of the new teachers. He was too hot not to be, she realized with a start. Just glancing at him brought every hot professor and naughty student scene she had ever read rushing to the forefront of her mind, where it promptly spiraled straight down through her core to her pulsing, neglected clit. There was no time to get lost in fantasy, though.

Derek cocked an authoritative eyebrow before fixing his pointed gaze on the open book in her hand. "Reading on the job, Miss Vaughn?"

For the briefest of moments, she considered lying her way out of it, but she was holding the open book pressed to her breasts right in the middle of that highly erotic passage. She couldn’t look more guilty if she tried. To lie now would not end well, and would only compound the trouble she was now in.

Very clearly caught, Emily cleared her throat and forced herself to meet his gaze.

"I… umm… Yes, sir," she responded, stumbling over her words. "It's a first edition, no longer in print. By my favorite author. And I've never read it."

Wordlessly, Derek held out his hand for the book and she handed it over. She did shut it first, though. The mortification of getting caught was bad enough without him seeing where in the book she’d been when he walked in.

Her mouth went dry as he turned it over in his large hands, inspecting the spine. "Ah, yes," he hummed. "An Arabella Cole. Very good choice, Miss Vaughn."

Emily didn't respond, but her stomach dropped to her toes. She wasn’t dumb enough to think Master Derek would simply compliment her reading choices and let the matter go. She jumped when he smacked the hardcover book into the palm of his hand. She had no doubt that was the same exact sound that his hand was about to make, bouncing off her already cringing bottom.

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