Page 44 of Winterland Daddies

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Chapter 16


Merry's nervesand inner struggle had been tangible for the entire trip into the city. Her eyes closed as she leaned against my chest, giving the illusion that she was mellow and relaxed, but her body told a different story. Her fingers curled and uncurled. Sometimes, she made small fists and then released them, stretching out her fingers as if it was some sort of therapeutic exercise. Her legs had a nervous twitch that shook the cab of the truck as she bounced them. Her eyes never opened, and she never spoke, but she was wide awake.

She didn't even open them when Blake pulled into the hotel, leaving the truck running while he went and checked us in, running right back out and pulling the truck into a spot on the far end of the hotel near where our room would be.

"Little one," I said, shaking her gently from where I stood, having gotten out of the truck. "We're here. It's time to go in now. I can carry you, if need be, but it's time to go."

Finally, her eyes popped open, and she met my gaze, slowly shaking her head as she unbuckled and allowed me to help her down from the oversized cab. The walk to the room was a long one, and Merry's silence had my nerves on edge, but once we got to the room, things were going to change.

I would take control in whatever way I needed to. This punishment was going to leave a mark, both physically and mentally.

Blake opened the door with the keycard, and I gave Merry a gentle push over the threshold as the door clicked closed behind us.

Merry took a seat on the bed. Blake and I stood in front of her, waiting for her to break her silence. She didn't.

Finally, Blake stepped forward, ending what might have turned into an epic stare down. "You, baby girl, asked to be punished. And punished, you shall be. Tonight, my dear, is all about trust. Trusting yourself, and trusting us. You are going to follow our instructions to the tee, and if you have questions or concerns, you better speak up now, because I promise that we plan to push your limits, tonight, and arguments in the heat of the moment will not be accepted. So, speak up now, or forever hold your peace."

Merry's eyes had widened to the size of saucers as Blake spoke. She listened quietly, taking in every detail. She looked even more nervous than she had in the truck, but finally, she nodded. "I trust you. I'll obey."

Blake nodded and looked at me, handing over the reins, so to speak. "Take off your clothes. All of them. Fold them up, and put them in the drawer. You won't be needing them tonight."

Her eyes never left my face as she wordlessly pulled her sweater over her head. Sitting on the bed, she removed her boots and then her socks. Her jeans came next, revealing a sexy lace thong that matched her bra. I motioned with my finger, and those also came off. When the pile was stashed safely away for tomorrow, she stood there naked, her arms crossed tightly over her chest, and waited.

I pointed to the bathroom. "If you need to use the facilities, now is the time. Otherwise, wash up like you were getting ready for bed."

She moved quickly to obey, and Blake and I sprang into action, removing items from Blake's duffel bag. Restraints, paddles, plugs, and the like. We unceremoniously dumped the pile on the bed and waited for Merry to return.

Her steps were light as she came out of the bathroom, looking very shy, and walked over to the place she had earlier occupied on the bed. When she saw the pile that waited for her, she gave a gasp of surprise. I watched, with growing arousal, as her eyes scanned the pile.

"See anything that tickles your interest, little one?"

Her face was flush with emotion, and she gave a little shake of her head, but her eyes and her glistening mound belied the truth as she burrowed her face into my chest.

I held her for only a minute before gripping her shoulders and stepping back. "There is no hiding tonight, little girl. Tonight, you will learn what it will mean to be Blake's sub and my little girl."

"We will take turns using you to our liking and punishing you in our own ways. And then, we will punish you together and take you that way, as well. Do you understand?"

Her head bounced up and down. I nodded to Blake, and he moved to stand behind her, landing a sharp slap across the meat of her buttocks. "Answer your Daddy correctly," he warned.

"Yes, Daddy! I understand!" she squeaked, just as he poised to strike again. His hand fell to his side, and she looked at me with tear-filled eyes. She was beginning to see how serious and difficult the night would be. But she had no idea.

I held out my hand, and she took it. As we walked by the bed, I grabbed a small maple paddle from the pile and continued our trek, leading her to the bathroom. She was trembling as I positioned her in front of the sink.

"Now, little one, I know that one of the things you regret is the way you yelled at those kids today. And I know from Blake, this is something that you have struggled with in the past. I agree that you are right. There are much better ways to handle our problems, and those kids are likely yelled at enough as it is. It's our job to create an example for them to emulate."

Tears were already streaming down her face. I set the paddle on the bathroom counter in front of her and reached for the small bar of complimentary hotel soap. I'd have preferred something bigger, but this would have to do.

"When you choose to let your temper run away from you, this will be the result. I will strip you naked and haul your little butt to the bathroom, where I will soap your mouth and paddle your butt cherry red."

She whimpered, but I wasn't finished. Closing the space between our bodies so that her backside pressed against the front of my jeans, I leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Every time you open your mouth to yell, you're going to taste bubbles, and your little bottom is going to ache with the memory of my paddle. You are going to remember what happens to naughty girls who can't control their mouths."

Her eyes met mine in the reflection of the mirror, and she watched in silence as I slowly unwrapped the bar of soap and ran it under the water, waiting as a nice film of lather formed around it. When I was satisfied, I used my free hand to turn her body toward me. "Open," I instructed tersely.

She obeyed, and I inserted the soap between her lips and pushed her mouth closed around the soapy rectangle. Her chin trembled and her eyes watered, but her gaze never wavered from mine.

"Turn around and face the sink, again. Bend at the waist. You're going to hold that soap between your teeth while I paddle your cute little bottom."

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