Page 17 of Winterland Daddies

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Chapter 6


I losttrack of how many times Blake flicked the belt across my throbbing backside. I have no idea how many times he made me count my worth and discount the lies I was so used to telling myself. Blake had a gift for making a spanking break through my emotional walls. He always had. I don't even remember exactly what he said, only that, by the time he was done, I could literally feel the stress melt off my shoulders and the wave of relief only a clean slate and true forgiveness can bring.

When the spanking finally stopped, I was a wilted mess, sobbing into the bedcovers, but somehow I felt lighter than I had in years. But I was still scared. Scared that, now that it was over, everything would change and all the lovely promises they had made in the heat of the moment would cease to exist.

The bed sank beneath me, shifting under their combined weight as they each sat down beside me, their hands resting on opposite sides of my butt. I pushed into them, wanting the comfort they offered, as they softly rubbed the scorched skin, murmuring words of comfort and forgiveness.

I reveled in their aftercare, soaking up every last drop, using it to draw the strength I knew I would need for what came next. Even without looking at them, I could feel their patience waning. Sighing, I rolled over and pulled myself into a sitting position between them.

The tension in the room was tangible, and at that moment, I thought I might do or say anything to ease it. But that wasn't what they wanted, either.

Looking between them, I caught Blake's eye and smiled. "Thank you for my spanking, Sir."

His eyes were warm and full of relief when he reached for my hand. "You're welcome, baby girl. Do you feel better?"

Sucking in a deep breath, I exhaled slowly, quieting my mind and gauging my emotions, before nodding. "I'm getting there. It's progress. Five years of built up regret probably won't go away in a day."

"We can all heal together," Slade said, taking my other hand. I turned to him, knowing this would be the hardest part, and just stared into his eyes for a minute. Slade had the kindest warmest eyes surrounded by thick dark lashes and a beautiful smile. These things created a deep contrast when paired with his hard jawline, thick muscles, and unusual name. When I looked at him, he often seemed far more intimidating and Dom-like than Blake did. But when he looked into my eyes, I only saw my Daddy.

Seeing my Daddy and saying it out loud were two different things, though, and my stomach clenched as I tried to wrap my mind around the vulnerability of using the title again.

Once I spoke the words they were waiting for, I was putting my trust in their promise to move forward—as a threesome. It was a possibility I had never considered.

They had, though, I reminded myself, trying to stay the panic simmering below the surface. They had, and they had a plan. Just as they had known exactly how to handle a tag team spanking, they knew what came next. My job was to trust them again, after all these years.

Slade squeezed my hand, tightly, and I knew he was giving me permission to not say anything. He was considerate like that. He would never want me to feel obligated or put on the spot. The simple gesture calmed my fears, and I finally found my voice. I didn't know what would happen after I said the simple words, but I knew I wanted to say them.

Burying my face in his neck, I spoke the words meant for him and him alone. "Thank you for my spanking, Daddy."

* * *


I watched the tender moment unfold between Slade and Merry and pushed back a twinge of jealousy. Slade was the soft one—it's who he was. I could never be that way, and it was nothing to be jealous of.

I was about to claim her as mine. We both were, but I would be first. It's who I was.

"Meredith." My voice was sharp and firm, and her whole body reacted, snapping to attention as she turned to look at me. "It's time, baby girl." I worked the button fly on my worn Levis and looked at her pointedly.

It was adorable the way her eyes widened and her cheeks turned to pink as her eyes darted between me and Slade. Catching the unspoken question, I nodded. Yes, here. Yes, now. I snapped my fingers and pointed to a space on the floor. She could barely look at either of us as she climbed out of Slade's embrace and slid to her knees in front of me. She was embarrassed, and I knew it was bound to be awkward, but that couldn't be helped. She was going to have to get used to it. A little humiliation would be good for her.

Widening my stance, I folded my arms across my chest and watched, relishing the small details. Her hands shook with nervousness as she slowly pulled down my zipper. Her eyes glistened with leftover tears from her spanking, and her hair was mussed from the way she had wiggled and squirmed each time the belt made contact. Her eyes met mine in a look that conveyed every emotion she was feeling all at once as she pushed my jeans over my hips and my boxer briefs along with them. My erection sprang free of its constraints and nearly hit her in the face.

Even though she looked nearly terrified at the idea of performing such an intimate act in front of an audience, she took my cock in both hands and quickly went to work. My eyes closed when her hot mouth closed over the tip and her tongue swirled around it, teasing ever so gently, as she stroked my length with her soft hands.

When she took me deeper in her mouth, I opened my eyes and met Slade's gaze over the top of her head. I watched with quiet interest as Slade slowly removed his clothes and lowered himself to the ground behind her.

Her mouth vibrated on my cock as she gasped in surprise when his naked body pressed against hers. I watched as she processed through the emotions of what was happening, all the while sucking my cock like it was her job.

His hands rested firmly on her shoulders, and I watched him press his cock against her wet pussy. He was always gentle, whispering in her ear as he claimed her from behind. I felt the vibration move upward through her body as he pushed into her. Each thrust brought him farther into her, and in turn, my cock deeper into her mouth. My back stiffened as my pleasure escalated towards its peak.

Even with Slade pounding into her from behind, Merry was in tune to my body's clues. When I went rigid, she turned up her game, swirling her tongue around the shaft of my cock while she squeezed my sack gently, tugging and twisting at just the right moment.

My body hummed as I spilled my seed into her mouth, watching in ecstasy as she lapped up every drop of cum from the rim, cleaning me with her tongue while she drank my juices. When every last drop had been licked off of my body, I pulled out of her reach, sitting on the bed to watch.

Slade's hand left her shoulder and pushed the middle of her back, forcing her onto all fours on the floor in front of me. I caught her chin with my fingers and forced her gaze to meet mine. I wanted her to look at me while he fucked her.

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