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“Pax.” She turned towards him. “Yes, the paparazzi will probably be around. But they are harmless. They will snap a few pictures of me as I walk in the door, and snap a few pictures of us as we leave for graduation. It’s really not a big deal.”

She could see that he wasn’t going to be easily convinced. “I’m going with you,” he stated stubbornly, in a voice that bode no argument. She argued anyway.

“Um, how about no? We’ve been together for less than a week. My family isn’t even aware of the fact that I’ve switched jobs, and I thought we were trying to keep our relationship on the down low for a while. You running off to LA with me, and straight into view of the paparazzi is not conducive to preserving our privacy as a couple.”

“If you want the time off, I’m going with you. I don’t like the idea of you going out there alone with everything that has happened lately. The photographers are going to be like leeches right now, more persistent than ever, especially where you are concerned. Besides that, I could use the break. I haven’t taken time off since,” he stopped short, pursing his lips together as he tried to remember. “It’s been at least three years.”

“Pax, no offense, but if you need a break, take a real vacation. A college graduation a few hours away with people you don’t even know does not a vacation make.”

“Di, I’m coming with you. It’s not up for discussion. Remember that talk we had last night about my role as your dominant and what my most important job was?”

It took everything in her not to roll her eyes before she responded. Ugh! Dominants could be so stubborn. “Yes. To keep me safe. But I’m not in danger. I’m talking about going home to be with my family. It is literally the least dangerous thing I could possibly do. Working downstairs is more dangerous.”

“It certainly is not. I have a highly trained security detail.”

“So do we!” She couldn’t help it. Her foot stomped on the floor in frustration. His eyebrows went up, but he ignored it.

“I’m going. Do whatever you need to do to arrange it. We will leave here at 6:00 am.” He patted her bottom in a way that told her there was no use arguing further. “Get dressed for lunch. I’m starving.”

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