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Chapter Seven

Diamond quickly learned that being Pax’s girlfriend came with a whole different set of rules than being one of his showgirls. She also learned that there was a whole lot more to being a sub than getting spanked for her misdeeds. Pax was patient, easing her into it slowly, but as he had told her, he was a man who thrived on schedules, rules and order. His expectations were high, and Diamond found herself subject to many new forms of punishment those first few days.

They stayed together every night—sometimes in her suite, and sometimes in his, always returning to their respective suites for breakfast, to avoid being found out by any of the hotel staff. Their nights were full of passion and exploration, but even those were sometimes stifled by Pax’s strict rules.

“A midnight bedtime?” Diamond complained on Thursday night as Pax carefully untied her from her bonds. “Really Paxton? This is Las Vegas and I’m a showgirl for god’s sake.”

“Which is why it’s much later on nights that you work late,” he explained patiently. “Like tomorrow. Tomorrow you work really late, and it’s a big night for the club. We have a headliner coming, which means we both need to be in tip-top shape tomorrow.”

“So, we’ll sleep until noon!” she exclaimed stomping her foot, quickly retreating when Pax raised one eyebrow in displeasure.

“If you sleep until noon, you’ll break several rules and mess up your entire day.”

Pax had his game face on, which meant there was no way she would win this one, but that if she continued to try she would likely go to bed with a sore bottom. Sorer, she corrected herself wryly. Her ass seemed to be permanently sore these days, and the novelty was fading quickly.

Arguing would not demonstrate wisdom. Diamond wasn’t wise. She puffed out her lower lip, and turned her big eyes on him, fluttering her lashes exaggeratedly. “Can’t I have a dispensation just this once? We were just getting to the fun part!” It was a bold faced lie, and she knew it. They had been playing with rope for the better part of two hours already, which Pax had said was more than long enough for a beginner.

“If by fun part, you mean the part where I throw you over my knee and tan your naughty bottom to remind you who the boss is in this relationship, then you’re right—we were just getting to the fun part.” Pax wasted no time in grabbing her around the waist, and tucking her under his arm like a football as he carried her over to the bed, depositing her unceremoniously across his lap—face down into the bedcover she went. It was a position she was becoming very familiar with.

“How convenient that you’re already naked for me,” he teased, laying a fat slap on her bottom as she rolled her eyes. He required that she be naked for him in the evenings. It was part of her submissive training, and every time she earned a spanking, which was often, he liked to tease her by commenting on how convenient it was.

It was a joke that was, in Diamond’s opinion, was getting old quickly.

Her body shifted in his grip, as Pax leaned forward, and opened the nightstand drawer, causing her to clench her already battered bottom and wince. The nightstand drawer was where Pax kept his implements.

“Now, let’s see here, which of these have you not gotten to test out yet?” he mused, drawing out the torture, as they both knew that his personal implement collection was massive, full of both heavy duty professional grade spanking implements, and many household items that Pax swore were equally effective for punishing a naughty bottom. He took his time, rummaging through the contents of the drawer, occasionally holding an item out for her inspection before shaking his head and returning it to the drawer. She groaned and whimpered and whined at each new suggestion, but the truth was, she enjoyed this part of the ritual as much as he did.

She could always tell when he made his decision. He’d give a deep chuckle, and pull her in closer to his waist, as he settled back onto the bed. “There are only two implements that are really appropriate for a naughty girl who doesn’t get ready for bed when she’s told to. I think we’ll go with the hairbrush tonight, and if you’re a good girl and take your punishment well, I’ll brush your hair when we’re through with your spanking.”

A hair brushing after her spanking sounded nice, and Diamond settled in happily, folding her arms and crossing them under her head, satisfied that Pax wasn’t really mad, and he was just making a point about obedience and rules. Pax was big on rules and obedience. Sometimes, when she tiptoed on a rule, he did this, settling her over his knee for a small spanking to test a different tool in his arsenal, usually only giving her a mild taste, as a warning and a reminder that she had committed to being his submissive, and that she needed to remember that commitment, and act like a sub, even when it was hard.

She assumed that this was to be one of those times, a rather mild reminder spanking, an excuse to give her a taste of something new—until the first crushing blow of the hairbrush fell upon her already tender cheeks.

Diamond prided herself on taking a spanking well, usually managing to stay pretty stoic until the end was in sight—this was not to be the case tonight. The first taste of the thick wooden hairbrush had her scrambling frantically out of his grasp, and off his lap, landing on her bottom on the floor with a soft thud.

Pax looked down at her with mild amusement. “I take it you’re not a fan of the hairbrush?”

“No, sir.” Her lower lip quivered in distress, as he motioned for her to stand up.

“Good. This will teach you a good lesson in remembering who the top is in this relationship. Get back up here, and take your spanking.”

“I can’t.” She stayed on the floor, glaring at the innocent looking hairbrush. It was all light and pretty with soft bristles and a beautiful rose carving on the handle. She never would have guessed it would be the most evil implement in his arsenal this far, or pack such a fear inducing wallop.

“Get back up here before I get to three, or I will double it, and you’ll be getting much more than a taste.” He paused, and looked at her seriously. “One,” he counted slowly, drawing the simple word out with meaning.

She propelled herself off the floor and over his lap before he finished speaking. This time she clutched the bedcovers in her fists, as if they alone could keep her in position.

“You’re getting ten,” Pax informed her speaking deliberately. “That one didn’t count, and you will count them.”

“Yes, sir,” Diamond whimpered, bracing herself to prepare for the pain. She quickly learned there was no way to fully prepare for the wrath of the evil brush.

“One!” she cried out through clenched teeth.

“Who’s the boss here?” Pax asked, raising the hairbrush to his shoulder, in preparation for the next one.

“You are, Sir,” she whooshed out as the brush made contact for the second time. “Two!”

“Who makes the rules?”

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