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He felt an utterly juvenile thrill that Rafe’s charm hadn’t had any effect on her.

“We’re leaving the bike with him?” she asked.

“Yeah. The car is less conspicuous. Just hope she’s fast.”

“Fast?” Rafe shook his head in apparent amusement. “We’re talking my cousin Luis, who’s a mechanic and swapped the original engine for real power. New tires, the works. Got a full tank of gas as well.” Rafe spoke to him but kept looking at Kara.

“Good enough. If they start shooting, I can always toss the fuzzy dice at them,” Jace drawled.

A joke to ease the uncomfortable tension, but Rafe’s smile dropped.

“That’s not funny, Jace.”

“I promise I won’t get any blood on the seats.”

“They start shooting, you get the hell away, Jace. That’s a direct order. I’ll be damned if I lose anyone else.”

Gone was the ladies’ man. Rafe turned into the stoic FBI agent who’d witnessed two of his men gunned down in a hail of bullets.

He didn’t like the dawning questions on Kara’s face, as if she was starting to put pieces together.

Raising his hand to his ear, he signaled Rafe he’d call him later. Rafe gave a brusque nod and walked around the car to open the passenger door for Kara.

Ever polite, Kara nodded. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Jones Rodriguez.”

Rafe didn’t answer but shut the door when she was settled inside. He helped Jace toss the two packs into the trunk. Then he fetched the extra helmet from the bike and tossed that inside as well.

“Here. I can’t use two helmets.”

Jace reached inside the car, removed the dice from the rearview mirror and handed them to Rafe. “Return these to your cousin. I can’t guarantee the car will be in terrific condition when he gets it back, but at least the dice will be intact.”

“We need to talk.” Rafe’s gaze flicked to Kara as he peered inside the car. “Alone. Excuse me, Kara, if I seem rude.”

He began speaking in rapid Spanish to Jace. Kara held up a hand. “Sorry. I’m fluent in Spanish. You’re saying something about critical information at this juncture?”

Rafe stared while Jace grinned. He didn’t know why, but he liked Rafe underestimating Kara.

“Let’s talk over here a minute. But only a minute. I have to get on the road.”

“Wehave to get on the road,” Kara pointed out.

“I’ll be a minute. Stay there.”

Jace steered Rafe over to the side of a warehouse, out of hearing range for Kara. Stomach tight, he jammed his hands into his pockets.

“What’s up?”

Rafe kept scanning the area. “They want those jewels Dylan took. Or more likely, Dylan himself. The heat is on, Jace. You’re sure to have a tail on you because Lance’s crew knows you’re out to find him.”

Jace nodded. “I promised Lance I’d find Dylan. Soon as they get hold of him, adios, I’m sure. Lance wants that jewelry back.”

“Which is why you can’t take her—” Rafe jammed a thumb toward Kara “—with you. Too dangerous. What the hell are you thinking?”

Something didn’t make sense. “You’re holding back on me. What is it?”

Rafe’s face tightened. “I’m almost ready to call you in, Jace. You’re in deep, but too deep. It’s getting dangerous.”

“I’m in deep, which is why I’m the best man for the job. Dammit, Rafe!” He blew out a breath. “Talk to me. What happened? And why the hell couldn’t I reach you yesterday?”

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