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Another man who loves her. Unfortunately, this man’s heart is soulless because he knows what he did was wrong, and his guilt is eating him alive.

However, whether you are soulless, a perverted beast like Andrew, or a lovesick fool like my brother Julian, love is still love. It’s binding, sickening, and consuming, and you will do anything to keep it safe. Love is a force to be reckoned with. The question isn’t whose love is stronger; it’s whose love has more connections. Who has more friends in low places to preserve that love?

Men in high places often forget to look down; trust me, Andrew and his father haven’t looked down in a long time. It’s the men in the dark, deep trenches that continually look up, side to side, and all around. Those are the men you want as your allies.

Men like me.

Sure, Uncle Dan is strong, he has eyes and ears all over the world. That can only get you so far. Eyes see, and ears hear, but actions make or break. Uncle Dan can’t act because the laws of the government bind him.

I’m not.

I can act.

I will.

We will.

I can relate to the soulless man whom I now call my brother. I can relate to his pain and suffering, his guilty conscience, but also his stubborn iron will that doesn’t allow him to know how to extend an olive branch.

You see, when you’re so far in the depths of your hell, no matter how far you reach that branch up, no one’s going to be able to grasp it. That’s why he asked me to do what I did.

Yes, I invaded Poppy’s life. I made sure that she lived close to me so I could keep an eye on her. The problem was that I lived in a house. Poppy wasn’t looking for a house, so the next best option was getting her an apartment in one of my brother's buildings. Since Kent doesn’t know how to keep his dick in his pants, I thought Julian was the safer option.

I was wrong, somewhat.

Julian is safer, but he fell for Poppy hard and fast. I can’t blame him. She’s beautiful on the outside but absolutely breathtaking on the inside. Her inner beauty isn’t just because she is innocent; it’s because she is broken. Broken things have survived, and that is beautiful.

Once I secured Poppy a place to live under my watch, I made sure she got a job in our company, and then I sent weekly reports back to the soulless man whose black heart still beats to make sure that Poppy was safe.

He wasn’t happy when I told him about Julian and Poppy's relationship, but he wasn’t exactly upset.

That’s all about to change.

Julian has filled me in on Poppy’s past and all the awful details about what Andrew did.

I can’t approach the soulless man alone because, like any beast, when he hears what happened to Poppy, he’s going to lose it; he’s not going to see red; he’s going to see black. A void that will consume him. He’ll lash out, making a stupid decision. He will want to go in for the immediate kill. I can’t allow that to happen.

Yes, our society has connections that run vastly deeper than government ones, but that doesn’t mean we can just pull the trigger fast. One action can lead to a domino effect. We have to have the foresight to know how the chips will fall and make sure that when the empire crumbles, it is in our favor.

It's not just about making Andrew pay; it's about making him suffer, too. You don’t just kill the king; you bring down his entire kingdom. Ensure no one else will rise up and usurp the throne.

I have to make the soulless man understand this. I know it’s going to be hard, so that’s why I’ve called in others. Consider them fearless enough to try and contain the beast we are about to let loose onto the world.

We have thousands of safe houses scattered around the world. Some are less scary than the ones we are in today. It just so happened that this was the closest one to all of us. From the outside, the building looks abandoned, as if it were an old construction site that had lost funding. It’s the bowels of it that hide a secret chamber, an intel room, an integration room, holding cells, four dozen guards that live here around the clock, and a meeting room where the soulless man is already tucked inside and waiting for me to arrive.

I pause and inhale deeply before taking the final step off the concrete stairs six floors down. There are no elevators, just three stairwells for entering and exiting. Six flights of stairs provided time for me to think and prepare for his outrage.

I take the final step and push open the door that leads to a long hallway. The slight hissing of cameras can be heard as they turn and begin to scan my body. Right before I reach another door, a shadow shifts and steps out from hiding.

“Leon,” I greet him. We call him Frenchie because he’s from France and can’t seem to shake his accent, no matter how many extensive language classes he has. Therefore, it makes his role as an undercover operative impossible. Now, he’s the face that scares and intimidates people. The face that announces our society is involved. His handsome face makes grown men piss themselves. I've seen it and smelt it.

Leon lazily scratches his jaw and levels a cold look at me.“Is this the only way?” he asks.

“Did you bring it?” I reply sternly.

He nods.

“Yes, it’s the only way,” I answer. I asked him to bring a sedative. It’s not our usual answer to problems like this, but I know the soulless man will need to be sedated; his mind will wake foggy, giving him time to think. Giving us all time to plan.

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