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"Tell me what's bothering you?" I ask, trying to sound gentle and not demanding. I pull up my pants and begin to loop my belt. "Come on, Pumpkin, I know there is a list of things we are dealing with. If we bottle it up, we will explode." I grab a shirt and shove my arms in it, then walk to her.

She stands and begins to fumble with my buttons as she tries to do my shirt up. I love her hands on me, and if I weren't trying to keep this serious, I'd lay her back on my bed and bury myself deep inside of her.

Her finger is on the second-to-last button. "I'm just worried one day you're going to look at me and be scared.”

"Scared?" I repeat, feeling like I've just stumbled into an advanced linguistics class where everyone's discussing complex grammar rules, and I'm still trying to figure out basic sentence structure. You know, when a woman asks you if you like something, it's never a simple yes or no. Oh no, that would be too straightforward. They're looking for an entire thesis, complete with an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion, just to explain your opinion. Meanwhile, us guys, we're more like,‘Yeah, it's cool,’and consider the job done.

"Why would looking at you make me scared? Is this when you tell me you sleep with that girl lotion on your face?"

"Girl lotion?" she laughs, the sound filling the room with warmth. "You mean a face mask?"

"Yeah. That's not gonna scare me, Pumpkin. I already know your red flags." I hold up a finger, ticking off the list. "Pumpkin spice aficionado, can't cook but somehow manages to make boxed items edible.”

"Edible?" She gasps dramatically, hand over her heart.

I nod.

“What else?” She probes as she does the final button of my shirt.

“Loves touching her label maker more than my cock.”

She swats my chest. "Lies."

“I’m not going to be shocked if I wake up one morning to see you placed a label on the parts of my body that are your favorite.” I continue to tease her.“See, only three red flags." I shrug, trying to lighten the mood. "I'm not scared."

Her smile lingers for a moment, but then I see the shadows of doubt creep into her eyes.

"Why would I be scared, Pumpkin?"

"What if you're scared to hurt me? What if we don't last? Our relationship has been so fast. What if you want to break it off, but you're too scared it will hurt my feelings."

Jesus, why do women think like this?

"That's not going to happen. You're my forever." It slips out completely naturally and at ease. "Yeah, I know that's fast to say, too, but it's the truth." I cup her face; her skin is so smooth against my callus palms. "Just to settle you, know that if something is bothering me, I'll say it."

She bites her bottom lip. "What if you get too scared to touch me?"

"I'm touching you now," I declare, closing the distance between us. Leaning in, I press my lips gently against hers. In that moment, everything else fades away. It's just her and me.

Home. She feels like home.

Her lips respond to mine. It's a feeling I never want to let go of, a sensation that anchors me.

As our kiss deepens, my cock wants to take over control. Poppy's not just a lover; she's mine. My safe place, my happy place, my Pumpkin. And as long as I have her, I know I'll always have a place to call home.

"What if you're scared to try new things with me?" she mutters.

I pull back slightly, studying her expression. "You mean in bed?"

She nods.

My cock stirs. What does she want to try?

Focus. Get to the bottom of her fears; we can have sex later.

"We'll talk it over. It's easy." I swipe my thumb back and forth against her cheek. I love the small splash of freckles she has. "It will go like this, 'Do you want to try this? Yes or no.' If it's a no, then we move on. My feelings won't be hurt. As long as you're in my bed, I'm happy."

"You make it sound so simple."

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