Page 87 of Truth or Dare

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I phoned Lisa from the living room.

“She was his personal full-time slave for her first seven months.”

“Oh my fucking god.”

“Yeah.” I put my palm on my forehead and squeezed my eyes shut tight. Then I let out a long sigh. “Leese, I need you to be there tonight for this dinner so we can have another chat, so you can give me some more tips.”

“Maybe she needs to not see me again so soon. After this afternoon…”

“No. Be there. She needs to start healing. She starts tonight.”

“Dare, seven months with him? That’s really, really bad.”


He climbed in bed and held me close.

“Okay, here’s the thing.”

I braced.

“We’re gonna work on fixing you,” he informed me. “I want you. I want us. I want you better. I told you I am in this, all in, but I’m telling you now, it’s for the long haul. You got that?”


Oh god. Long haul? My heart swelled.

“We need to get you better, so we need to turn the clock back and get you in a different mindset. Right now, you forget about Donovan Frost and everything else you and Lisa talked about today. We’re taking an hour and a half to nap and then we’re getting up, we’re getting a shower and going to my sister’s for dinner. No freak outs tonight. You be my perfect Angel and we’ll have a good night, okay? No freak-outs. No anxiety. You’re my perfect Angel. We’ll have fun. You won’t feel embarrassed or anything when you see Lisa, and we’re gonna just chill out, have some good food, and some laughs. Okay? Then we’ll come home and if you pull all that off… I’ll make you come real hard, baby. All right?”

Whoa. What?

“If tonight doesn’t go good, if you aren’t a perfect Angel, maybe we’ll just go to sleep and you won’t get to come. How about that? Will having that in your head help you get through the rest of today?”

Wow. Oh my god. I felt a gush in my panties.



“Master.” I sighed and nuzzled into him. I felt this overwhelming peace surround me.

“Yeah.” He pulled me closer and kissed my temple. “We get to play the master and slave game for a bit to see how that goes, baby. We do this with you knowing that I won’t ever really hurt you. You mean something to me. You mean a fuck of a lot to me already. What I think we can have, if we get through all this shit, which we can and which we will, it means everything to me. But Lisa and I talked and she gave me the lowdown how she acclimated after Kruna and we’re gonna give her method a try. Do you trust me with this power? Is this okay with you?”

“100%. I’m all in, too.” My voice was laced with emotion.

“Good. I don’t know yet that it’s okay with me, Angelbaby, but I’ll try. For you. For now, nap. Then we wake up, get a shower, and maybe you straighten your hair for tonight. Okay?”

“Good idea, Dare.” That was a good call. He was intuitive.

“Sleep, baby. When we get up you’ll be my girl, my good girl, and we’ll go out and have fun. Okay?”

I nodded.

He pulled me closer and I closed my eyes and took a nap. It was a really, really good nap.


It was weird being back. It was weird enough being back on home soil but what was even weirder was being in Tom Ferrano’s house, the Tudor style mansion that was where, on my high school graduation day, I found out my dad sold me to Tom Ferrano and where I found out that I was to be presented to Tommy as potential marriage material. It had only been a few months since that day, but it sort of felt like a lifetime ago. It was also the place where Tom kissed me in front of his whole family and then kidnapped me from the driveway. I shuddered in memory of all of that.

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