Page 122 of Truth or Dare

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The two security guys at Eddy and Luc’s cabin had been gunned down and one was dead. The other we got in to the hospital. Of the gunmen, I killed one but the second gunman had been injured, not killed, by the security guard that had died and as I drove us to the hospital, I’d called Nino, who was already on his way. He’d gotten there, got the injured guy into the toolshed and then got his brother there. Nino and Tino got creative and then got the guy talking and the guy sang like a canary.

Jason Frost was now in our custody. Tino, Nino, and a few of our guys got to his location and they got him to Tommy’s farm, locked him in one of the stalls in the horse barn. I hadn’t talked back to Zack yet but had texted him that Angel had been shot in the leg and that we were at the hospital, that we had Frost in custody.

He replied with an “Okay. I’ll call you soon.”

Tommy’s counselor was due to arrive that day and would be staying at the house with the girls and was reportedly going to be working with Lisa. I texted Zack to send people to Alaska to scope out Angel’s family situation. Gan Chen was in critical condition but had made it out of surgery.

I was awake. The bullet was gone from my leg and there was a big bandage. Dare barely left my side and though he didn’t say much he had a fuming angry demeanor that kept me on high alert, kept me quiet, and kept me in slave mode, behaving myself.

A full day had passed since my surgery and he’d only ever stepped out of the room for about an hour, the longest he’d been away from me since I got shot, and while he was gone Tommy had sat in the room with me, watching me with a cold ‘don’t you dare try anything’ look on his face.

Dare came back. Tommy stayed in the room but leaned against the door.

“You good?” Dare sat on the edge of the hospital bed.

I stared wide-eyed.

“I’m telling you, baby, I need you to listen and stay calm. Be a good girl. Got me?”

I nodded.

“I’m getting you out of here today and taking you to my brother’s farm for a few days so you can recuperate. When we get there, I’m going to update you on where things are at. In order for me to do that you need to listen and you need to behave so they’ll let you out of here. Got me?”

I nodded.

“Answer me.”


“No, answer me properly.”

A tingle worked its way from my scalp to my nipples and then straight between my legs, “Yes, Master.”

“Good girl.”

From the corner of my eye I saw Dare’s brother shift uncomfortably from foot to foot and blow out a slow breath.

We were at his brother’s farmhouse. I was in a double bed upstairs in the spare room. There was nothing else in the room. He got me here and carried me upstairs and put me to bed, slept beside me, holding me close, and now it was the next day. I was awake, eating toast with PB & J in triangles that Dare had made me and I was drinking coffee.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Yes…” I hesitated. I didn’t know whether to call him Master or not.

He squeezed my hand reassuringly.

“I’m sorry that I had to take you back to that time like that in there, Angel, but I couldn’t let you freak out like that in front of the doctors and nurses.”

“I know.” I wasn’t angry. It’d given me a sense of calm and I didn’t want to delve too deep into that but frankly, it was a sense of calm I could use right now. I just did what I needed to and let him worry about everything else. It was easy. I wanted it now because I had a feeling that whatever he was about to say would be big. I didn’t want to ask for it, though. It was time to put on my big girl pants.

He started talking.

“Hold it together now, ‘cuz this is big. You good?”

“I’m good.”

“Jason Frost was responsible for that. He tried to have me killed.”

I jolted but held myself together.

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