Page 12 of Truth or Dare

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He shook his head. “I can do it.” He called for housekeeping on the room phone and then sat back on the bed and kicked his shoes off.

A moment passed where I sat watching the television from the table and he thumbed away on his smartphone. There was a knock at the door.

He put his shoes back on and went to it and opened it. Cleo and Rafe were in the doorway, two housekeeping staff members behind them.

“Forgive the intrusion, Mr. Ferrano, but because you requested housekeeping, I thought it might be an opportune moment to speak with you.”

“Come in,” Dare said.

Cleo and Rafe both looked to me, sitting at the table with a half-eaten plate of pasta, creamy salad, and cheesy bread. Cleo’s eyebrows shot up but she quickly reined in her shock. I averted my gaze and then fixed my eyes on my lap.

Once the door was closed, Dare started with, “What can I do for you?”

“We wanted to ask if you have any requests for Felicia this evening that we might help with.”

“Meaning?” Dare looked down at Rafe and he looked pissed off.

“Felicia’s attire. Do you have any requirements?”

“I don’t,” Dare replied and then added, “In fact, I’d like to leave tomorrow after my meeting with Chen so if you can have her things packed and arrange transportation to the airport that’d be appreciated.”

“Mr. Ferrano,” Rafe said, looking like he was choosing his words carefully, “We highly recommend you stay at least until the day after tomorrow. We’d be happy for you to stay even longer, as long as you like, but we recommend staying at least that long. And we’re happy to arrange for transportation when you’re ready to go but I urge you to consider staying at least one more day.”

“And why is that?” Dare looked down at Rafe and Rafe looked intimidated. I suppressed the urge to enjoy what I was seeing, worried it might show on my face. Rafe wasn’t the worst guy around here but who he was in front of patrons wasn’t who we was when he was pissed off. I hadn’t had a direct punishment from him since being broken but I had seen him give them out and he could wield a whip like nobody’s business.

“We find that optimally, Sir, a Master should spend at least a few nights here at the resort with his acquisition. We want you to get acquainted with Felicia while you have an opportunity to notify us of any corrections you want made. We can also help you plan to ensure your fiancée seamlessly transitions into her new life. We usually keep her for thirty days as a minimum and then you return to inspect and then pick her up.”

“What if she’s fine as is?”

“Many patrons are happy with their acquisition because of the painstaking preparation we’ve already taken. If the Master prefers to complete his own training, we absolutely respect that. She is already yours. We have no rights to put rules forth regarding your property. She is already your property. But in a scenario such as yours where she will be integrated into your life in a marital capacity… see, she hasn’t been off the resort yet and we would normally run a few trials to integrate her into life outside Kruna and find that it’s often helpful when masters utilize our services to –”

Dare cut him off. “Oh, I’ll be completing her training, all right. I’m looking forward to it.”

I glanced at him and saw a glimmer in his eye that made my heart skip a beat. He eyed me from head to toe and then he smirked. His eyes heated and I felt a swish of heat between my legs while at the same time fought back fear.

Cleo and Rafe appeared to see it too. Cleo got a sickeningly satisfied smile on her face.

“Very well, Mr. Ferrano. It’s your choice, of course; we know you are a very busy man. We just like to see that your acquisition is suitably prepared, so that you’ll be happy in every way.”

“I suspect I will be.” He glanced at me. “Are you worried she won’t behave?”

“Absolutely not! Felicia is exceptional. She–”

“Because I’m eager to complete her training. She will behave. No concerns there.”

The gleam in his eyes made my blood run cold.

“We have no concerns, Sir, otherwise she wouldn’t be with you right now. We chose very carefully and matched her specifically to your needs. We still recommend you stay tomorrow night if possible so that if there are any inadequacies or you have major issues, we have an opportunity to address them or if needed swap out your Felicia for another. If you opt for another, we again recommend at least forty-eight hours on site for you to assess–”

“Fine. I’ll stay the extra day. But that’s a maximum. I have things at home to see to. And I’ll let you know if any changes need to be made.” Dare cut him off again.

“Excellent. So, should you require any assistance this evening please do not hesitate to contact me personally at extension 252. If I’m to be away from my phone I will forward it to someone else who can handle anything that arises for you. Perhaps we can meet for or after breakfast. Mr. Chen would like me to accompany him while he gives you a tour of Kruna.”

“Fine.” Dario strolled to the door and opened it and then motioned toward the open doorway, making no bones about his desire for them to leave.

Two housekeeping staff members came in at that point and efficiently cleared away the contents of the table and then the table and chairs. I’d risen to my feet so they could take the chair and looked to the floor but said, “Master, may I speak?”

“Speak,” he answered.

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