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Carson grins at me, “Graham said you did. He said I was a damn fool for not seeing that for myself.”

He leans down, his lips brushing softly against mine. The kiss is gentle, filled with a lifetime of unspoken words and desires. It feels like a promise, a new beginning for us both.

He pulls back slightly, his forehead resting against mine. “There’s something else,” he murmurs, his voice husky.

“What is it?” I ask, my breath catching in my throat.

He reaches into his pocket again, this time pulling out an old velvet box. My breath catches in my throat as I recognize it. Graham had bought me a ring, which I refused.

Carson opens the box, revealing a delicate platinum ring adorned with a single sparkling diamond. “Anna,” he begins, his voice trembling slightly, “these were Graham’s instructions. He left this ring for when I proposed. He wanted you to have it. He wrote that I was a fool and should have married you a long time ago.”

Tears well up in my eyes again. “Oh, Carson,” I whisper, overwhelmed with emotion.

“Anna,” he continues, “the journals... they opened my eyes. They showed me the man I could have been, the man you deserved. I may not be perfect, but I want to be that man for you.”

Carson kneels on one knee, “Will you marry me, Anna? Because you love me, and I love you?”

I stare at the ring, the diamond twinkling as it catches the light, reflecting my emotions back at me. This feels so right, so real, a dream come true.

A slow smile spreads across my face. “Yes, Carson,” I say, my voice thick with emotion. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

He stands, letting out a deep sigh, a mixture of joy and disbelief washing over his face. He slips the ring onto my finger, and it fits perfectly.

I pull his head down toward mine and kiss him. When he raises his head, tears are still shimmering in my eyes. I wipe them away with the back of my hand, and his thumbs gently follow suit, brushing away the last traces. He leans down, placing soft kisses on my cheeks, erasing the salty tracks with his lips. My heart feels like it’s overflowing with love.

When he finally steps back and grins down at me, I search his face, a mix of emotions swirling within me. My gaze flickers to the yellow box on the table. “Carson, is that all you found in there?” I want no secrets between us.

His smile falters slightly. “Why, was there something else?”

I meet his gaze, a hesitant smile playing on my lips. “You didn’t find a bag filled with pamphlets?”

He furrows his brow. “Pamphlets?” A flicker of realization dawns on him. “Oh, yeah. When I finished the last journal, there was a bag filled with a bunch of old pregnancy pamphlets. I don’t know why Graham held on to those.”

I bite my lip, forcing down a nervous flutter in my stomach. “Carson, those aren’t old. I put them in there yesterday.”

His frown deepens momentarily before slowly starting to curve up. “Yesterday?” He takes a step closer, connecting the dots quickly.

I nod, unable to hold back a tear that rolls down my cheek. “Yes. I went to see the doctor, and he confirmed... I’m pregnant.”

The realization hits him like a wave. Joy floods his face, erasing any trace of confusion. He pulls me into a tight embrace, his arms wrapping protectively around me. Then, he pulls back, letting out a laugh.

“Cream cheese! I should have figured it out,” he exclaims. “Graham mentioned you were craving cream cheese and... crying a lot.”

A blush creeps up my neck. “Well, some things never change, I guess.”

His hand comes out, and he places it gently over my abdomen, a tender smile on his face.

“Carson, you look happy about it. You are happy, right?” I need to hear the words.

His smile grows, his eyes shining with a mix of excitement and love. “Can’t you tell? I’m ecstatic! This time, I won’t miss a moment. I’ll be there for you every step of the way. I’ll get to see you swollen with our child.” He lands a kiss on my eyes, my nose, and my cheeks before he continues, “I’ll be with you for the doctor’s appointments.”

His voice continues to warm, “We’ll set up the nursery together, and I’ll be here to massage your swollen feet and wipe away every tear... happy or not.” The tender words - a promise.

His arms tighten around me as he tilts my face upward, my lips to his. I’m breathless when he finally raises his head. I see the familiar flicker of desire in his gaze, but this time, it’s laced with a tenderness that sends shivers down my spine. His kisses turn passionate. The hunger is undeniable, but there’s a sweetness to it now, a promise of a future built on love and shared dreams.

He pulls away reluctantly, a glance at the clock reminding him of the time. “So, when’s Mom supposed to drop off Connor?”

I raise an eyebrow, a knowing smile gracing my lips. “Bonnie called. She’s keeping Connor overnight. We’re invited for lunch tomorrow.”

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