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“I’ll leave within the hour.”

“Okay. Anna, no need to hurry. He’s safe. We’ll talk once you get here.” I can hear the unspoken accusation in his voice through the phone. I nod weakly, even though he can’t see me. “We’ll be at my place when you arrive. I’ll text you the address.”

“Thank you,” I say weakly. He doesn’t say goodbye; he just disconnects the call.

I shut my eyes as my head reels. Carson. Carson Knight. The father of my son and the man who refuses to forgive me.

As I dazedly start to pull myself to my feet, I remember his words, no need to hurry, Connor is safe. So, I remain in my position on the floor. I lean my heavy head back against an unopened box and shut my eyes.

Carson, it’s easy to remember him as I only have to look in my son’s eyes to see Carson’s face, his intense blue eyes. Connor even has some of his mannerisms, the way he cocks an eyebrow at me. I bite my lip as tears gather at the back of my eyes.

How many years has it been? Connor is ten, so it’s been eleven years since the cruise— since I met Carson. I let the memories intrude.

I didn’t want to go on a cruise by myself. But I was urged to go. The trip was a gift. So, I went.

That very first night, the cruise line organized a masquerade party for everyone on board. They had complimentary masks available. I remember picking out a blue and black lace mask.

The ballroom was crowded. Everyone was drinking and eating. It was festive and more fun than I thought it would be. I remember someone said something funny, and I threw back my head and laughed out loud. We were all anonymous. No one knew me. I could relax and let the stress of the previous six months roll off me.

When I raised my head, I felt eyes on me. I looked around until I found him. He was staring, and he had on the masculine version of my blue and black mask. His eyes burned into me, even from a distance. I shivered from the sensual look in his eyes. He was leaning back against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. He wore a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Showing off a couple of tattoos. He looked cocky and dangerous.

When he straightened and walked toward me, I realized how tall he was. How muscular. He exuded a masculine charm even with his face covered. When he reached my side, we talked. We danced. I guess I felt safe behind my mask. I would never have acted so carefree with him, as I did otherwise.

It was later, much later when he walked me to my cabin. He leaned down and kissed me. And I let him. To this day, I don’t think I could have stopped myself. I wanted him to kiss me. And Lordy, did that man know how to kiss.

He took his time. He leaned me back against the door and held my face between his hands. He tilted my face up and nibbled on my lower lip, then the corners, and the top. When he sucked on my lower lip, I gasped, and he smoothly delved in. He explored my mouth slowly like he wanted to savor me. I remember feeling breathless. When I blinked open my eyes, my hands were around his neck, and I was pressed up against him. He towered over me.

He reached out with a hand and cupped my cheek. He kissed me one more time, a slow, thorough kiss that sent shivers down my spine. He looked up at my cabin number and smiled. Looking down at me, he whispered, “I’ll be seeing you around.”

Then he left, his scent lingering, invading my every breath—I could still feel his strong arms around me. I stood there leaning against the door until I heard someone approaching. I slowly turned and opened my cabin door, and stepped inside. It took me a good hour before I could sleep, my dreams filled with the image of a tall, dark, and handsome masked man.

I blink a few times to chase away the old memories. Opening my eyes to the present, I look around at the mess and pull myself up from the floor. I make my way into the bedroom that is going to be mine and shake my head. My clothes are all still in boxes.

The movers were supposed to be handling all of this. I look over at my suitcase, which is what I’ve been living out of for the past three days. At least I won’t have to pack much more into it. I slowly move around the cluttered apartment, picking up everything I think I’ll need for a couple of days away.

I check Connor’s room, but it looks like he took what he needed. He’s resourceful. He made it all the way to Jacksonville by himself. He’s ten years old, going on thirty, half the time.

I wheel my suitcase to the door and turn out all the lights. I punch in the address Carson texted me, into my GPS to get directions. Once I’m on the road, there’s nothing to hold back the memories. They insistently push against my awareness. I finally silence the radio and give in to the pressing memories.

It was the next morning after the masquerade party… after that unforgettable kiss. I chose to get breakfast in the main room, where they served buffet style. After I filled my plate and grabbed a steaming cup of coffee, I sat down at a vacant table.

I tried not to think of the kiss, of him. But I wondered what he looked like under the mask. Would I recognize him if I ever saw him again?

A shadow fell across the table, and I looked up. It was as if I had conjured him. He was even more handsome than I had imagined. The dark hair and his intense blue eyes were recognizable from the night before. His lean cheeks and chiseled jaw made me inhale so fast I almost choked. I cleared my throat while he stood there over me with an easy grin, holding a tray laden with food.

“Can I sit?” His voice had the same deep tone as the night before.

I wordlessly nodded, wondering if I should allow him to eat with me. I felt the need to keep my distance.

“How… how did you recognize me?” I asked with genuine curiosity as he sat down.

“You’re hair and your smile.”

“My hair? It’s brown. A mousy brown color.”

“No. Mousy brown? Absolutely not. It’s more of a chestnut color and lighter around your face. It’s long and cascades in waves over your shoulders.”

His words, almost poetic, had me glancing over at him. I thought he might be mocking me, but instead, his eyes were still on my hair. The admiring look in his eyes gave me a warm feeling. I also felt a warmth in my cheeks as I blush easily.

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