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Anna. The thought of her sends a smile spreading across my face. I probably shouldn’t have crossed that line, but instead of fading, the desire seems to intensify with every moment we’re together.

I watch as a tugboat chugs by, the river’s flow a constant reminder of life’s ever-changing currents. Just like the river, my life has taken an unexpected turn, one that fills me with exhilaration and a sense of homecoming. But can I trust this feeling?

I groan when I glance at the clock. The board meeting with my brothers starts in minutes, yet here I sit, lost in my thoughts.

I stand up and stretch. This wasn’t how things were supposed to be. Work used to be my life, my salvation. Now, it feels more like a chore, a distraction from the warmth that has filled my days since Anna and Connor arrived.

A month ago, work was the only thing that mattered. My life was stagnant. I was restless, yearning for something I couldn’t define. Then Connor walked in, changing my life forever. He brought with him a whirlwind of energy and a love so deep that it scares me sometimes. I grin, just thinking of my son. He takes joy in the simplest of things.

And then there’s his mother. I let out a sigh. I always come back to Anna. Between her and my son, my life has never been this full. They’ve brought a lightness back into my days, a zest for life that extends to every corner of my world. Now, I’m eager to get home and I’m learning to embrace the joy of the present moment, to savor the simple things – like eating breakfast together.

Suzanne knocks on my office door, snapping me back to reality. “Carson, it’s time for the meeting.”

“Thank you, Suzanne.” I follow her across the hall to the conference room. Both of my brothers are already seated, amusement gleaming in their eyes.

“Sorry for the delay,” I mutter, taking my seat. I turn toward Suzanne, “Could you read the minutes from the last meeting, please?”

She blinks, surprised by the request, “Of course.” As she reads the minutes from the last board meeting, I nod along, but my mind is elsewhere.

“Ah, yes.” I glance over at my brothers, who are grinning from ear to ear. “Okay, what’s so damn funny?” I say with a stern frown in their direction. But I have a feeling I already know.

“Nothing, nothing at all,” says Carter, but amusement lingers in his eyes.

Chase smirks and ever the blunt one states, “It’s just that you used to eat, drink, and breathe work, and now—Well, now, you’re like the rest of us. You’re enjoying your life. It shows.”

I try to glower at them, but I can’t help but grin back. “Fine, I like having a family. More than I ever thought I would.”

I turn to Suzanne. “The meeting’s canceled. Why don’t you take some extra time for lunch?” She nods with a happy smile and closes the door behind her with a soft click.

I rub my hand through my hair with a frown as I turn back to my brothers.

“Why the long face, Carson?” Carter asks me. Leaning back in my chair, I let out a sigh, “I’m not sure. It just feels surreal,” I confess, “Four weeks ago, I didn’t even know Connor existed. Now, we’re living together like a family. I keep thinking I’ll wake up one morning and find out it’s just a dream.”

My brothers exchange a knowing glance. Chase grins and says, “Carson. I get it. I was adamant I didn’t want a child. Now, sometimes, when I look at Gabby, I break into a sweat, knowing I could have missed out on loving her. Val and Gabby are the best part of my life.”

Carter gives me a considering look. “The last time we talked about Anna was at Wild Riders. I’m pretty sure circumstances have changed.”

“Yes. We’re sharing a bedroom.” Both of my brothers just grin, their grins widen as Carter adds drily. “Well, that explains your good mood,” he throws a wink in my direction. Then, suddenly serious, he asks, “Do you think there might be more there than you originally thought?”

I feel my jaw tighten, “It’s too early to tell,” I admit. “While we’re compatible in so many ways, I can’t let go of the past. She hurt me once, and I…” My voice cuts off. The memory surfaces, bringing with it a feeling of bitterness. “I wouldn’t want to go through that again. Especially when we share a child.” When I look up both brothers have a glint of understanding mixed with sympathy in their glances.

“Yeah, that would be tough,” Chase readily agrees. “Just don’t overanalyze things. If things are meant to be, then everything will work out.” He shrugs.

“As you know, I tend to analyze everything,” I admit with a rueful smile. “But I’ll try to wait and see where this goes. Sometimes, it feels like we’re a family, and then…” I hesitate, the weight of the past pressing down. “I remember old hurts.” I don’t want to discuss the details with them, feeling the need to protect Anna’s privacy in some strange way.

There’s a hesitant knock on the door. Chase jumps up and opens the door. I look up to see Anna standing in the doorway. “Sorry to interrupt. Clara, the receptionist, told me to come on up. She mentioned your admin was at lunch.” She’s dressed in black pants with a purple silk shirt that brings out the color of her eyes. Her chestnut hair falls in soft waves around her shoulders.

Chase’s grin widens as the door swings open. “Hi, Anna,” he greets, his voice warm. “We just finished up our meeting.” He glances sideways at Carter, a silent exchange passing between them before he turns back to her. “We’ll leave you two alone.” With a nod in our direction, my brothers exit, the heavy oak door sighing shut behind them.

The silence that follows stretches between us. I clear my throat, the sound echoing in the sudden emptiness. “Did something bring you by, Anna?”

A blush creeps up her neck, painting her cheeks a pretty pink. “No, not really,” she states with a hesitant smile. “I was in the area and thought I’d stop in. I haven’t seen your offices before.”

A slow smile spreads across my face. “Great,” I respond, standing. “Let me show you around. Then we can go out to lunch if you’d like.”

Her eyes light up with a smile. “That would be nice.”

I lead her toward the door, the light scent of her perfume wafting around her. We descend in the elevator, the silence companionable. As the doors slide open on the ground floor, “This is where we train our security and bodyguard teams.”

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