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My mom greets us at the door. “Connor is in the kitchen,” she says with a smile. I made chocolate chip cookies.”

“I hope you made enough for us to take some on the boat,” I ask with a hopeful smile.

“Of course, I already have them in a container for you,” she says with a fond smile. “Thanks for letting Connor stay over. It was nice to make breakfast for someone besides myself.”

Anna answers for both of us, “Anytime, Bonnie. We can make it a regular thing if you want, or just play it by ear?”

“Maybe every other weekend while he’s still young? I know once he’s older, he’ll be too busy with school, sports, and girls to want to spend too much time over here.”

Anna and I chuckle. “I hope that won’t be for quite some time,” I say with a grimace.

Connor is sitting in the kitchen with a happy grin on his face and a smear of chocolate around his mouth. “You ready for a boat ride?” I ask him.

“Yes!” His eyes go to Anna, “Did you bring my swimming trucks?”

She hands him a bag, and he whoops and disappears into the bedroom to change. A few minutes later, he emerges in his blue swim trunks, sunglasses, and flip-flops. Anna says, “I brought all of us a towel, and I also brought you a T-shirt.”

As we walk toward the boathouse, the sky overhead is a bright, cloudless blue, matching my cheerful mood.

After we transfer everything to the boat, we wave goodbye to my mom, and I push the throttle forward. The engine offers a deep rumble as it roars to life. As the boat picks up speed, the wind whips past us, carrying a hint of salt and pine—Anna’s long hair streams behind her as she lifts her face to the sky. A light spray of water shines on our cheeks as it’s kicked up from the bow.

“Dad. Can I steer the boat?” Connor yells over the rumble of the engine. His eyes raised in a hopeful expression.

I promise him with a grin, “Sure, once we get to more open water, you can take over.” His eyes shine with anticipation.

Soon, we’re in a wider part of the river, and I turn to Connor as I slow the boat. The noise of the engine softens to a quieter hum. “Okay, put your hands on the wheel,” I instruct him. He steps in front of me, his excitement obvious. “This is the throttle. Push forward to make the boat go faster and pull it back to slow it down.”

Connor listens intently, paying careful attention. I let him take over the wheel, standing behind him and offering patient guidance with my hand on his shoulder. He steers with surprising confidence, a wide grin splitting his face as the boat moves forward, carving a path through the blue water.

My eyes cut to Anna, who is smiling. She gives us a thumbs-up, her easy-going manner as refreshing as the wind. A carefree smile spreads across my face in response. Any tension that may have lingered between us seems to melt away, dispelled by the bright sun and the rhythmic pounding of the boat on the waves.

After a few hours, I instruct Connor to navigate the boat over to a wide part of the river. Then we drop anchor. I pop open the cooler while Anna pulls out some snacks. After we’ve munched on fruit and crackers, Anna insists that Connor needs more sunscreen.

I walk up behind her and murmur, “Would you like me to put lotion on your back?”

She takes off her light summer shirt, revealing a dark purple bikini top that hugs her curves. Her shorts are purple and white, and they show off her long, tanned legs. When I step up behind her, a sensual awareness seems to simmer between us.

She hesitates for just a moment, the breeze carrying the sound of birds chirping on the nearby shore. “Sure,” she turns around, her voice a touch breathless.

I warm the lotion in my palm, and the sound of the waves lapping against the boat creates a rhythmic background hum. “I’ll be very thorough,” I warn, my voice husky.

She closes her eyes as I begin, and a shiver runs down her spine as I reach her lower back. A soft breath escapes her lips. I move slowly and sensually, the warmth of her skin sending a current through me. Her hair falls around her face, framing her in a way that makes me wish we were alone. I want to pull her close and kiss her, but I force myself to focus on the task at hand.

By the time I’m done, I feel more affected by the contact than she does. Or maybe not? A hint of a blush on her cheeks and a soft smile playing on her lips. She pulls her hair into a messy bun, a few tendrils escaping to frame her face. She looks irresistible, and I have to force myself to look away. There will be time for more later… I hope.

Connor, his eyes wide as saucers, swivels in his seat, scanning the horizon like a young pirate searching for treasure. He loves being out on the water – keeping up a constant chatter as he asks questions about the different wildlife and what creatures live beneath the river’s surface.

There are ‘No Wake’ signs in certain places on the river, so I explain, “We need to be careful in these areas, Connor.” Pointing to a sign. “See that warning? It means we need to slow down to protect the manatees. They’re gentle giants, but our boat’s propellers can hurt them.”

His eyes grow solemn as I discuss the dangers. He nods seriously, his respect for the creatures evident in his expression.

“Dad, are there any dolphins here?” he asks, his voice filled with curiosity.

I smile and shrug. “Possibly. The St. John River empties into the ocean, so it’s not unusual to see a dolphin fin break the surface.”

When he immediately scrambles to the edge of the boat, his eyes scanning the waves with a renewed purpose, I glance over at Anna. A smile flickers across her lips, mirroring my own amusement at his boundless enthusiasm. Our love for Connor creates a strong connection. Can we keep it to just a physical connection? Then, remembered past lies rear their ugly head like a warning, reminding me to guard my heart.


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