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I give my uncle a confused look, then smile. “Sorry, I thought that’s what you all were talking about. This here is Connor Carlton. My son.” I say with quiet pride.

My uncle chuckles, recovering, and pulls Connor into a warm embrace. “Boy, come here,” he said, his gruff voice surprisingly tender. “I’m your great-uncle. Folks call me Shadow around here.” His eyes give a suspicious shine as he says solemnly, “Your grandpa was my brother. A good man, taken too soon. Now, let me take a look at you.” He steps back. “You carry a mighty fine name there, young man. How old are you?”

Connor grinning from ear to ear. “I’m ten years old,” he states proudly.

“Ten, you say?” Sam rumbles, a hint of raw emotion lacing his voice. “You’re awfully tall for your age.” He ruffles Connor’s hair affectionately, a small smile playing on his lips.

Conner doesn’t even try to duck his head. “Mind if I show the kid around?” He glances from me to Anna. We both smile and shake our heads no.

After Sam leaves, I slide into the booth beside Anna. Her thigh is pressed against mine. I watch as she tries to subtly shift closer to the wall.

We all look up as Spitfire, a burly man, approaches the table. A tray balanced on his wide hand, a bandana tied securely around one thick arm. He places a frosty beer in front of each of us. As he sets one down in front of Anna, he says, “I’m Spitfire, and since this is your first time here, it’s on the house.” He glances at Val with a twinkle in his eye, “Gave away your Shirley Temple to the boy.”

Val’s laughter fills the air as she explains to Anna, “That’s what he served me while I was pregnant.” She eagerly reaches for the mug, the clinking glass joining the sound of our laughter.

Anna, however, remains uncharacteristically subdued. She hesitantly picks up her beer, taking a small, tentative sip.

Just then, Carter and Kat arrive, their entrance momentarily diverting my attention. We all shuffle to make space, and Anna once again finds herself pressed close against me. I fight back a smile at her flustered expression.

“Sorry, we’re late.” Carter waves to Spitfire and holds up two fingers. He immediately comes over with another frosty mug for my brother and a white wine for Kat.

“Did we miss anything?” Kat asks after Spitfire disappears with a smile.

Chase clears his throat but doesn’t say anything; instead, he gives me a contemplative look. Val, however, leans toward Kat and says in a stage whisper, “Shadow was just asking Anna how they met.” She nods to me and Anna. My stomach tightens at her words. “Anna said they met on a cruise.” I let out the breath I was unconsciously holding. Then Val leans forward again, “At a masquerade party.”

Well, shit! I glance over at Anna, who has a blush of color on her cheeks. She’s toying with her mug of beer. I look at the others who have turned their attention to me, curiosity written all over their faces. Every. Damn. One. Suddenly, I’m the one squirming uncomfortably in my seat.

I glower at each of them, daring them to ask me outright. I pick up my beer and down half the glass.

Carter, probably taking pity on me, interjects, “Connor said you promised to take him out on the boat.”

“Yeah, I was hoping I could take him out this weekend. If you hadn’t made plans.”

He waves his hand, “Nah. Go ahead. Kat and I thought we’d take a drive down to Goldhead State Park this weekend. Maybe hike down the ravine.”

As the conversation turns to state parks, I breathe a sigh of relief, but I still feel Anna’s eyes as she occasionally glances over at me.

My uncle comes back with Connor in tow. “Gave him the nickel tour. He wouldn’t mind playing a game of pool.” He hints with a wink in my direction.

Instructing Connor on the rules of the game of pool offers a welcome distraction. He soaks up the lesson with wide eyes, his face a mixture of concentration and delight as he sends the colored balls scattering across the green felt. Each successful pocket garners a joyous shout, each miss a crinkled brow and a determined pout.

Chase has taken over coaching duties, leaving Carter and me leaning against the wall, silent observers. I can practically feel Carter’s scrutiny burning a hole into my side. Finally, I met his gaze, my voice tight with anticipation. “Just spit it out,” I said.

Carter gives a slow nod. “Alright, fine. Here goes. I can’t help but wonder why you haven’t asked Anna to marry you.”

A frown etches itself onto my face, but I remain silent. He pressed on, his voice laced with a hint of confusion. “There’s an obvious spark there, wouldn’t you say? You haven’t taken your eyes off her all night, and there’s a certain familiarity between you both. Plus, you’re already living together. So, I’m just curious.”

His words hang heavy in the air. I cross my arms, mulling them over. The truth is, the idea of marriage has crossed my mind. But the past looms large, too significant to ignore. Vows mean nothing to Anna, and that holds a weight I simply don’t want to accept.

Finally, I comment, my voice flat. “We’re not having sex.”

Carter shoots me a surprised look. “Ah. That explains the tension, then.” He holds his hands up defensively as I glare at him. “Hey, it’s thick enough to cut with a knife, Bro’. Honestly, I’m a little surprised. Given your history, I figured—“ He cuts himself off, a flicker of apology in his eyes. “Sorry, didn’t mean to overstep. Trust me, living with Kat and not sleeping together was pure torture. But it wasn’t long after I moved in that things escalated.”

I sigh, offering a weak excuse. “It’s complicated. Anna and I have a child together; it would make things awkward.”

“Sleeping with her would be awkward,” he counters, a knowing glint in his eyes. “Wouldn’t it be more accurate to say sleeping with her again would be awkward?”

Silence hangs heavy between us as I consider his words. Carter finally shrugs, his voice softening. “Look, all I want is for you to be happy. You and Connor, that’s a beautiful thing to see. But being with Kat has shown me what it’s like to truly love someone. And let me tell you, it’s pretty damn amazing. I just want you to have that same kind of happiness.”

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