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“About twenty years ago or so.” I shrug as I admit that and follow her to the garage to get the rest of the groceries. As we come back up, we continue the conversation. “So, which crunch cereal did you have?”

I turn and give her a serious look, “Cap’n Crunch. It is the best.” I say tongue in cheek.

“Of course.” We share a grin.

As I set the bags on the kitchen counter, I feel some of the tension between us ease. Maybe this truce thing isn’t so bad. Then Anna starts to put the groceries away. I feel a wave of heat travel through me as she reaches overhead. Her shirt rides up, leaving a sliver of bare skin exposed. Just that glimpse of her taunt mid-drift has me wanting to reach out and run my hand along her smooth skin.

I have to drag my eyes away, and then a twinge of resentment floods through me. It’s not her fault, I remind myself. But the unwanted reaction frustrates me.

Connor comes into the kitchen right then. He’s already reaching for a snack.

“I thought I’d drive us over to see my mother. She’s expecting us for lunch.”

A wide grin practically splits Connor’s face. “Great. When can we leave?”

I laugh, “Anytime. I know she won’t mind if we’re early.”

Connor looks over at his mother, “Mom, can we leave now?”

Anna smiles and says, “Sure, but why don’t you wash up and brush your hair while I put these last few items away?”

For the first time since I’ve known my son, he seems concerned with his appearance. He abruptly turns and practically runs to the bathroom to slick down his hair. When he emerges, his hair is neatly combed, and his face is shiny from scrubbing it with a washcloth.

Anna states, “Let me run a brush through my hair, and I’ll be ready to go.”

Connor prances from one foot to the other as we wait. The minute Anna reappears, he opens the front door. Once we get in the car, he says in a worried voice, “Should I have a gift or something for her?”

I meet his eyes in the rearview mirror, “No, Son. You’ll be gift enough.”

At my words, he seems to settle down and sits back. He perks up and looks around as I pull into the private drive that leads to my mother’s river estate. Once I turn off the engine, Connor jumps out, but his steps slow as we move toward the door.

I come up behind him and place my hand on his shoulder. “My mom’s name is Bonnie. But I’m sure she’ll insist you call her grandma. She’ll hug you for sure, and she might even mess up your hair.” I warn him in a low voice.

I feel some of the tension ease from his shoulders. Then the door is opened by my mother. Her dark hair has a striking white streak that she brushes back from her forehead. She’s an attractive woman, and the vivid blue of her eyes hasn’t faded a bit.

She only has eyes for the young boy standing before her, and her eyes glow with instant love as she takes him in. “And you must be my grandson. Come here, young man, and let me love on you.”

Connor steps forward, and she wraps her arms around him and pulls him into a warm and loving embrace. When she finally lets him up for air, his cheeks are rosy, and he doesn’t even protest when she ruffles his combed hair, messing it up.

My mother’s eyes are filled with joyous tears, and Connor’s are suspiciously wet as he sniffles and wipes his eyes on the back of his sleeve.

With her arm tightening around Connor, pulling him closer, my mother turns to look at me and then Anna. Her eyes crinkle at the corners as she offers a welcoming smile to her grandson’s mother. I see Anna’s worried frown melt away, and my mom’s smile widens, creating a warm exchange between them.

Anna’s shoulders visibly relax, and she lets out a small breath she must have been holding. I feel a pang of guilt as I should have noticed Anna was more nervous than our son at meeting my mom. I reach out and place my hand, a gesture of reassurance, on the small of Anna’s back. My eyes linger on the sway of her hips in her navy shorts as she proceeds me into my childhood home.



Carson’s hand sends a shiver of awareness down my spine as we walk into his mother’s spacious living room. The ceiling-to-floor windows are expansive, showing a breathtaking view of the St. John’s River. It’s a mix of decorating styles that is stylish and comfortable at the same time.

“Anna, please call me Bonnie. I’ve been looking forward to this visit.” Bonnie leads Connor and me around the house while Carson disappears to the kitchen.

Bonnie looks down at Connor once she’s given us a tour, “I just pulled some chocolate chip cookies out of the oven. They’re in the kitchen if you want one,” she says with a fond smile. “I bet they’re still warm.”

Connor’s eyes go wide with delight as he bounds into the kitchen ahead of us. “Grandma, I found the cookies,” Connor yells. Bonnie gets a big smile on her face at hearing the word grandma fall from his lips.

“Here, let me get you a plate.” She gives Carson a smile of approval when she sees he’s already got a glass of milk ready for Connor. She slides two cookies on a plate for Connor and slides another plate of cookies between Carson and me.

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