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“Get your guns and follow me. Axes and Aces, East Harlem. Now.”

I slide into my car and start it in a rush. I’m driving out of the gate when I spot Ivan entering his black sedan with Baldwin by the trunk through the side mirror. Baldwin brings out two machine guns and walks to open the back seat door.

Heading down the road, I make a turn to the main street. The evening has a crowd on the street, trooping into bars and clubhouses to unwind for the weekend. I should be fucking sipping from a bottle of vodka in my house right now.

Aldo’s recent attacks have caught me off-guard because he was never a threat to us. With my father almost retired from the dealings, the other rivals must think I’m too weak to keep the Malgeri empire on top. They are all fucking wrong.

I’ll have Aldo as a lesson for each one of them. He doesn’t get to stay alive after coming after my family.

I dial my father’s number to make sure he is safe. My eyes are on the road before I take a few seconds to peek at my phone. He picks up on the third ring.

“Father, where are you?”

“It’s Tarik, boss,” one of our men answers.

“Where is he?”

“In his room, boss.”

“Go fucking check on him.” I listen to his footsteps through the phone. A knock follows after a few seconds. I can hear my father’s voice from the other end.

“Get him out of there, Tarik, to the safehouse now.”

I end the call as I make a quick turn to 96th Street. The street is dimly lit, with only a few street lights working. I slowly move the car, looking at the top of the buildings in search of Axes and Aces.

An abandoned casino building by the end of the road has a banner hanging on top of the building reading the same words. I reach for the gun in my safe box and check the bullets. I slip it into the back of my jeans, knowing I have enough just before Baldwin arrives. Ivan’s car isn’t in sight yet as I step out of the car and walk to the front door of the building.

The door’s unlocked as I push it open with one hand. It’s dark inside, with a strong smell of dust. I slip my pistol out, holding it in front of me as I walk further into the building. The lights suddenly turn on. I cautiously turn around, looking at every corner to be alert. I hear a muffled sound from the left end of the room.

There’s a pool table covered in dust, and I slowly follow the sound. Cards are scattered on the blackjack and poker tables.

“Show your fucking self!” I flick off the safety and place my finger on the trigger. The muffled sound grows louder as I slowly reach the end. I make a quick turn and see my mother tied to a wooden chair. One side of her head is bleeding. Her mouth is sealed with a gag, and her hands are tied behind the chair.


“I’ll shoot him if you get any closer,” a voice says. I turn to see Daniel walking from the other side with a gun pointed behind his head. His hands are tied behind him. The tip of Daniel’s mouth twitches with his jaws clenched. His eyes are furious.

“Alessandro.” The man with the gun smirks as he walks Daniel out to meet me.

“Who the fuck are you?”

“You’ll know soon enough when I take everything from you and make your life miserable.” He makes a click sound and I get surrounded by armed men. Six of them, with their guns pointed at me. “Or you’ll die trying to,” he continues.

My mother is staring at me with worried eyes. I can’t make out the words she's trying to say with the gag muffling the sound.

“It’s me you want. Leave them out of this.”

“Actually, it’s Adriana I want, but killing all of you would make the plan easier. My men failed to get the job done before so I am taking it into my own hands now.”

He has a black suit on, tight on his arm muscles. His blonde hair is packed in a low bun. “Aldo wouldn’t have to wait any longer,” he adds.

I keep the gun pointed at him.

Daniel’s face is bruised with cuts, and his shirt is torn unevenly with the rags hanging on his body. His hair is in a mess across his face.

“Now, where is Adriana?”

“Go fuck yourself.”

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