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A warm feeling spreads in my chest, knowing he does care about me. Although I still recall the fight and everything he said after, these mixed signals confuse me a lot. I hold a firm gaze to not show any emotion yet. I don’t want him to think I’m the weak one here. Not after he made it clear that I’m just a deal to him.


He raises his eyebrows, confused. “How?” he repeats.

“I remember getting shot. How did you save me?”

“Daniel. I had him bring over a doctor. He said it looked worse than it actually was.”

There’s an uneasy silence that passes between us as we continue the staring game.

“I wouldn’t have forgiven myself if you died.”

I try to cough out a laugh. It makes my stomach hurt even more. “I’m sure I heard your words clearly—nothing but a deal to you, remember?”

Alessandro squeezes his face in a frown instantly. I can tell he is angry.

“Poppy, don’t.”

I want to say something but I remain silent, not wanting to piss him off anymore.

“What are you thinking about?”

“You. I want to kiss you.” He inches closer to me while I don’t move.

He kisses my nose, then my forehead, before planting a soft kiss on my lips. His lips graze mine with caution. Like every move against mine meant something. I shut my eyes, savoring the moment. My chest feels empty with a longing ache as his tender lips leave mine. I want him to kiss me some more.

He stares at me instead. “Horny eyes,” he laughs.

I try to look to the other side but he stops me and gently guides my chin back so my face is next to his. “If I kissed you any longer, I’d lose all self-control and want to sink myself deep inside you. And that, Poppy, would only add to your injury.”

I swallow hard, feeling a coiling sensation on my inside. Ale makes me lose control all the time. But I need to be more cautious. We need to, at least, use some kind of protection the next time we have sex.

“No stupid deal could make me want you more than I do right now.” He moves closer until I can feel his breath on my skin. It makes my breath quicken with a throb in between my thighs. I squeeze them together to reduce the pressure.

“I want... I want you, Adriana,” he whispers. His fingers graze mine and it feels like they are on fire.

I let out a breath, watching his lips move closer to mine again. I feel a pang of disappointment when he kisses my cheek instead.

“Go to sleep, Poppy.”

He falls asleep beside me with his fingers locked with mine. I feel safe with him this close to me and fall asleep watching him.


My eyes are forced open, hearing a loud noise. Alessandro isn’t here with me anymore.

Oh God!

My hands begin to shake in fear, with my insides tingling. I’m scared they are here again. I flinch with a loud gasp as I hear another sound.

As I slide down the bed, a groan escapes me. I can’t let them shoot me again. I gather my strength to walk close to the door, hearing yells from outside. They are in Italian.

I recognize those voices.

They're Alessandro's and Daniel’s. Knowing it’s them eases the tension a bit, so I open the door and walk out of the room. The pain seems more manageable when I am distracted.

The hallway doesn’t look familiar, with a hanging bulb at the center. I follow the sound down to the living room.

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