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There’s a pause from the other end. It takes her a moment to reply.

“Dead. I can see their bodies on the ground from the window.”


I have to find whoever this is. And fast. The other rival mafias fear us because of our quick act to retaliate and clip everyone stupid enough to mess with us. This attack would only send the wrong message to them, making me look fucking weak.

Opening the door slightly, I peep and check on Adriana. She’s still fast asleep. I should be back before she wakes up. I close the door gently and walk to the living room, looking around the sofas and tables for my keys.

Daniel had driven my car here while I drove Adriana here in his. The little exchange was to keep us safe in case they had been waiting for me to drive in it.

“Where are the fucking keys?” I pull the drawers open in search of them and open another drawer with drugs scattered in it. Pills I recognize. I shut it almost immediately to continue the search for my keys, which I find in the last drawer.

He probably didn’t guess I’d be leaving with my car this soon. I walk out of the house, shutting the door behind me and sliding into my car. I start the engine in a hurry, trying to call Daniel as I begin to drive to my father’s house, but he isn’t picking up.

Gripping the steering wheel hard, I make a turn onto the next street. These attacks are bad for business. I can’t have this repeating itself or everything Father has built will be crushed.

The desire to gut everyone involved in this shit with my bare hands and teach them never to mess with me overwhelms me. No one messes with me and gets out alive. No one.

I spot Daniel’s car as I park mine outside and grab my gun from the safe box before sliding out of the car. I am alert with the gun pointed in front of me as I enter the gate. Two dead guards are at the gate doors with bullets in their heads.


I pass more dead bodies as I walk to the front door. I see some men I don’t recognize with two skull heads on both their wrists. As I bend to look closely at the tattoo of one, I hear the sound of a bullet flying in the air. It’s so close to me, it cut my cheek instantly, missing my entire face.

“Figlio di puttana (Son of a bitch)!”

I miss a shot as I aim at him. He’s holding his arm. It looks wounded, with blood dripping from a gunshot wound. He pulls the trigger again to shoot me but it just clicks with no bullet coming out.

“Fuck!” He tries to run. I take another shot at him, sending the bullet straight through his back. He yells from the impact and falls to the ground.

I touch my left cheek with my finger, feeling the blood on it and clenching my jaws as I walk closer to the man I shot. He is groaning as he struggles to crawl with his fingers digging into the ground.

“Rot in hell!” I pull the trigger again, pointing the gun at his head. Blood and a few particles splatter on my face as I put a bullet through his fucking brain.

Daniel walks out with Madre as I look at the front door.

“Alessandro,” Mother calls. She pulls me in for a quick hug as she closes the gap between us.

“Take her to the car; I’ll get L’Uomo out,” Daniel says.

Without hesitation, I nod, holding my mother’s shoulder as I lead her to my car.

“Did you see who did this?”

“No. I only heard lots of shootings, so I locked the door and hid with your father in the basement.”

I hear another bullet sound as Mother enters the car. It came from inside the house. I give Madre my gun as I run back to the house to see what’s happening.

“Daniel?” I am in disbelief.

He has a gun pointed at my father’s head.

Chapter eighteen


My head hurts as I roll on the bed. I feel more pain in my stomach.

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