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I flinch as he grips my neck even tighter, with a flare in his eyes.

“Who are you?” he yells. “Who the fuck are you?”

His grip has gotten too tight now and I struggle for breath.

“Let go of her or I’ll blow your fucking brains off,” Tommaso barks at him.

I dig my fingers into the stranger’s arms, struggling for air. He doesn’t let go.

I feel pressure in my head building up so quickly that it feels like my head would explode at any moment. Still struggling for air, I fight with my arms, raking his body.

“Let go of her, fuckhead,” Altieri shrills. He has his pistol pointed at the stranger’s head too.

The stranger’s shirt opens a bit more as I clasp my arms on its hem. It reveals his tattooed chest.

I gasp for air as he loosens his grip on my neck and adjusts his shirt to cover his chest tattoo.

My eyes catch the view of the rose petal in chains drawn on his left side, with a large M colored red by its side.

My eyes bulge out.

I was about to be ripped of my innocence by a Malgeri?

He’s a Malgeri.

I cough heavily, trying to catch my breath.

I’ve never been happier to see my father’s men intrude on my privacy. The thought of dying as he held my neck had crossed my mind and I somehow made peace with it.

Maybe I’ll get the chance to see mi madre (my mother) again. I miss her a lot. Father has been the worst since she died.

“Merda (Shit)! It is his son,” Tommaso exclaims.

The stranger takes a few steps back away from him.

“Alessandro?” Altieri utters in disbelief.

I stay glued to the wall, recovering from the shock and pressure in my head.

I can feel the stranger’s eyes on me as I try to get a hold of myself. Our eyes meet for a split second just before he turns to face Tommaso and Altieri.

His brown hair is uneven in some places, with a few strands out of place.

“You won’t be alive much longer if you keep me waiting here for another minute,” the stranger says to both Altieri and Tommaso. His voice is thick and deep.

It causes a shiver in my body. Even though he is more than a few steps away, his presence somehow still has an effect on me.

I got to see two sides of him tonight. I prefer the one where he didn’t almost strangle me to death.

Tommaso and Altieri keep their guns pointed at him. He looks unfazed by their presence and arms, with one of his hands tucked in his pocket.

“Let's go, Adriana,” Altieri says to me.

I swallow a gulp, pulling my dress further down. I had forgotten my thighs were visible from our moment.

The stranger watches me through the corner of his eyes as I walk to meet my father’s men.

I wrap my fingers around my neck, still perplexed by what had just happened moments ago. My throat hurts from the pressure.

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