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“I’m sorry,” he says. “I’m glad you saw what was happening.”

The wolves howl again, closer this time. The sound is hauntingly beautiful. “Tomorrow, I want to track them and get pictures,” I say impulsively.

Noah looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. “You’re nuts,” he says, but there’s a hint of amusement in his voice.

I laugh softly. “Maybe. But it’s what I do.”

Despite the situation, I feel a strange sense of peace. Being here, with Noah, feels...right. Eventually, the exhaustion of the day catches up with us. I roll to my side, and Noah automatically slides up against me, wrapping one arm around me and pulling my body against his. We drift off to sleep, wrapped in each other’s arms.

I wake up to the sound of the wind still howling outside. The fire is nothing but ash, and the cabin is chilly. Noah stirs beside me, his arm draped over my waist. I smile and close my eyes once again. He’s got me. I’m safe. His body keeps me warm. That’s all I need.

Chapter twenty


Iwake with a start. I don’t know what woke me. I lie perfectly still and listen. If it was the fishing bells or the glass on the porch, we were in trouble. I hold my breath, and then I hear it. It is the sound of an engine in the distance. It’s a sound that doesn’t belong. My heart races as I sit up, the noise growing louder. Mia stirs beside me, her eyes fluttering open.

“What’s wrong?” she asks, her voice groggy.

“An engine,” I say, straining to listen. “I hear an engine. Snowmobile.”

Her eyes widen in alarm. “Snowmobile?”

“Yes. Two. Maybe three.”

“You think it’s him?” she asks, jumping up. “Why would he be with someone? Wouldn’t he be alone?”

“I don’t know,” I answer.

She pulls on her sweater.

“It could also be a rescue team,” I suggest, hopefully.

We quickly dress, the adrenaline driving away any lingering sleepiness. The noise grows closer, and it becomes clear it’s not just one snowmobile—there are several. “It has to be a rescue team,” I sigh with relief. The clock on the wall says it’s just after nine in the morning. It all adds up.

“The guy back at the airfield must have reported my plane missing,” I tell her. “It’s pretty standard practice. My flight plan was registered. It’s got to be a search team.”

She smiles. “Thank God. Not that this little adventure hasn’t been a blast, but I’m really looking forward to a hot shower, a real bed, and something other than canned stew.”

“I get it,” I laugh. “It’s been fun, but I need a pizza. Or a cheeseburger. Some bacon and eggs.”

“Stop,” she giggles, playfully swatting me. “You’re making me hungry.”

“Be hungry. We’ll be sitting down to breakfast in an hour or two.”

“I better pack up my camera,” she says.

“I’ll grab my gear.”

She stops and looks at the mattress. “Oh no,” she groans.


“They’re going to know we slept together.”

“So,” I scoff. The sound of the machines grew louder. “We’re adults. I don’t give a shit what someone has to say about that. There are more important things to worry about.”

She slaps her hand to her head. “I’m horrible. I totally forgot about Eric.”

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