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I reach the car and find the keys in the not-so-secret hiding spot under the wheel well. My heart is pounding in my chest, threatening to make me puke. I manage to open the trunk and toss my suitcase inside. I shrug out of the jacket, feeling the warmth from the sun on my skin. I take the briefest second to breathe. I can taste the freedom. Unfortunately, it’s still got a hint of fear. Once I get to Florida, it will be nothing but freedom. I put the jacket in the car and reach for my purse to pull out a hair tie. I do a couple of stretches, preparing for another four hours of sitting in the car. And then four more hours after that. I arch my back and prepare to get in the car for the long ride. I take one last look at the pilot who flashes me a cocky smile. He caught me checking him out.


Out of nowhere, a black SUV comes careening into the parking lot, heading straight for me. Panic claws at my throat as I stumble backward, my instincts screaming at me to run. But there's nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. The SUV screeches to a halt just a few feet away, and before I can react, a man leaps out of the backseat and rushes toward me.

I scream, a primal sound of fear and desperation, as he closes the distance between us. Adrenaline surges through my veins, fueling my fight-or-flight response. With no other options left, I lash out with all the strength I can muster, kicking and scratching like a wild animal.

But he's too fast, too strong. His hands close around my arms like iron vices, restraining me as I thrash and struggle against him. Tears blur my vision as I realize the magnitude of my mistake. I never should have let my guard down, never should have believed that I could escape so easily.

As he wrestles me towards the SUV, my screams echo through the empty parking lot, a desperate plea for help that falls on deaf ears. In that moment, I know that my chances of freedom have slipped through my fingers like grains of sand.

The man shoves me towards the open door of the backseat of the SUV. I put out my foot, pushing back against him. “No! No!” I scream as loud as I can.

My heart pounds in my chest, the taste of fear coating my tongue.

“Get in the car, Paige,” the man grunts.

At least I know this isn’t a random kidnapping. My father sent them. I know I’m not in physical danger, but my life is at stake.

“No!” I shout with renewed strength and kick back once again. “Let go of me!”

Chapter four


As I watch the black SUV tear through the parking lot, alarm bells ring in my head. It feels off. I don’t immediately move. I watch, wondering if it’s someone late for a flight. The SUV steers straight towards the car my passenger had gone to.

There’s a tingling sensation on the back of my neck. Something isn’t right. I just don’t know what it is. Without conscious thought, I find myself striding towards the unfolding chaos, my pulse quickening with each step. As the SUV comes to a screeching halt near Lily, something inside me snaps into focus. This isn't just a random altercation—it's an assault, and she's in danger.

Her screams pierce the air, echoing around the desolate parking lot. Anger flares within me as I approach, ready to intervene and protect this stranger from whatever sinister fate awaits her.

“Hey!” I shout, my voice cutting through the chaos.

I drop my bag without a second thought, my instincts taking over as I rush to her aid. Adrenaline surges through my veins as I close the distance between us, the sound of her screams driving me forward.

I arrive just in time to see a man lunge at her, his intentions clear. He’s dragging her to the SUV. Somehow, I know if he gets her in that SUV, things are going to get very, very bad for her. I don’t know her, but her screams tell me she doesn’t want to go. I’m witnessing a kidnapping. With a primal roar, I launch myself at him, driving my shoulder into his back with all the force I can muster. He stumbles backward, caught off guard by my sudden intervention. He’s forced to release her, which was my goal. She stumbles to the pavement, but I can’t stop to check on her.

Before I could catch my breath, another assailant emerges from the front passenger seat of the SUV, his eyes fixed on me with murderous intent. This just went from bad to worse. With no time to spare, I brace myself for the inevitable confrontation. I roll my shoulders and prepare for the fight. This was not how I expected my day to go.

He flies at me, throwing the first punch. I dodge the punch, feeling the rush of air as his fist narrowly misses my face.

“Get back,” I say, my words directed at the woman that is no longer in view.

The man comes at me again. I can see the other guy and realize he’s going after Lily a second time.

“Lily, run!” I shout as I swing out.

I can hear a scuffle and know she’s fighting. I can’t let her get taken. That’s my only goal. I will fight until I can’t fight anymore. As the man in front of me lunges for another attack, I sidestep him and deliver a swift punch to his gut. He doubles over in pain, but the man from the SUV is already on his way to Lily again. With a quick glance, I see her fighting back with all her might, determination blazing in her eyes. She's putting up a fierce struggle, refusing to be taken without a fight.

I turn my attention back to my opponent just as he gathers himself to charge at me once more. Anticipating his move, I duck under his outstretched arms and deliver a powerful blow to his jaw. He staggers back and wipes his jaw. It’s a short reprieve.

With years of training kicking in, I counter with a swift jab to his ribs, causing him to stagger back. All those days sparring in the gym for fun are paying off. The man grunts in pain but quickly recovers, launching himself at me once again with a barrage of punches and kicks.

I block and evade his attacks, focusing on finding an opening to strike back. My mind is sharp, calculating each move as adrenaline courses through my veins. I manage to land a solid punch to his jaw, sending him reeling.

But he's not done yet. He regains his composure and comes at me with renewed ferocity, his fists a blur of motion. I can feel the sting of his blows as they connect, but I refuse to let the pain overwhelm me. With gritted teeth and determination, I fight back with everything I have, each strike fueled by a fierce desire to protect Lily and end this nightmare.

We continue to exchange blows in a brutal dance of violence, the sounds of our grunts and impacts echoing through the empty parking lot. Sweat beads on my forehead. I draw on every ounce of strength and skill I possess. The man that had been tussling with Lily goes back to the SUV, hunched over and grabbing his crotch. I know exactly what happened there.

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