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I hesitate, torn between the instinct to fight and the need to trust in Hunter's plan. I nod, my resolve firm. “Okay.”

He casually motions for the check from the waitress. My heart is pounding in my chest and the breakfast I had been enjoying now feels sour in my stomach. I truly thought we were in the clear. Will it stop? I don’t want to be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper.

“It’s not your fault,” he replies while he pulls money from his wallet.

“Are they still there?” I ask, afraid to turn my head at all.

“Yes. They are watching us.”

“I don’t understand,” I groan. “We’ve been careful. How?”

“I don’t know. We’ll worry about that later. Casually get up and we’re going to walk out of here.”

“You think you might be wrong?” I ask hopefully.

“It’s happened once before,” he jokes.

I can’t laugh. I find nothing funny about being forced to run for my life again. Hunter stands up and reaches down to take my hand. My legs are shaking as we start towards the door. My eyes are focused on the door and freedom. I can’t look around. I’m counting on Hunter to be my eyes. Panic is bubbling up. I take one step and another.

Suddenly, feel Hunter’s hand squeeze mine. It’s coming. Adrenaline starts pumping.

"Now!" he shouts.

Without a second thought, I break into a sprint, throwing open the door and nearly knocking over a couple of men. My feet pound against the pavement as I race towards the waiting car. Fear grips me like a vice, every muscle in my body screaming for me to stop, to turn back and help Hunter. But I push the thoughts aside and do exactly what he told me to do.

I don't look back. I can't afford to. Adrenaline courses through my veins, fueling my every move as I race towards the car that feels like its miles away instead of feet.. The sound of grunts and shouts echo behind me, but I block them out, focusing only on the pounding of my own footsteps against the pavement.

My heart races in my chest as I reach the car, my hands shaking as I fumble with the keys. With a quick glance over my shoulder, I see Hunter locked in a desperate struggle with two men, his face a mask of determination as he fights to break free. He’s keeping them from getting to me. The realization hits me hard. The man that I didn’t know last week is fighting with all his might to protect me. To allow me to get away.

Tears fill my eyes as I throw open the car door and dive inside, slamming the door shut behind me. My mind is racing, wondering if Hunter will make it out alive. I can feel the weight of fear and guilt bearing down on me, my heart pounding wildly. I start the engine and take a deep breath. Hunter is still fighting.

A couple of truckers amble out of the diner, their voices raised in confusion as they try to break up the fight. One of them manages to grab hold of Hunter, but he fights back with a ferocity that takes my breath away. I see Hunter break free and know it’s my cue.

I throw the car into drive and hit the gas, the tires screeching against the asphalt as I drive towards him. Hunter dives into the front passenger seat beside me, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he slams the door shut behind him.


I floor the accelerator, the engine roaring as we speed away from the diner and the chaos behind us. Hunter, pale and battered, leans against the door, his eyes locked on the side door mirror. We don't speak, the air is thick with tension and adrenaline.

“Shit. They’re following.” Hunter sits up and looks at me. “Are you good?”

We tear down the highway. “Yes. I think so. I don’t know.

“Take a breath, stay calm, you’ve done this before.”

The car behind us is catching up. “They’re going to hit us!” I cry out just as the car slams into the rear of our vehicle. We skid across the highway, the impact sending a shockwave through the car. The rear window glass shatters. My heart pounds in my ears, I can barely hear Hunter's voice over the deafening chaos.

"Steer! Steer!" he shouts, grabbing the wheel.

My fingers grip the wheel tightly as I struggle to regain control, the car veering wildly on the road. My eyes are wide and frozen, a mixture of fear and shock painted across my face. I shut my eyes for a moment, praying to make it through this unscathed.

"Open your eyes!”

I'm not a stunt driver—I'm just a girl who got caught up in something way over her head. Other cars on the highway are trying to get out of the way as quickly as possible. The men lost some momentum after the bump but they are quickly catching up.

“They’re coming again!” I gasp.

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