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She didn’t need my encouragement. The tires screech as she peels out of the parking lot, narrowly missing the black SUV that had been tailing us. My heart is pounding in my chest as I watch the scene unfold behind us in the rearview mirror, the SUV now in hot pursuit. Paige is driving like a bat out of hell, maneuvering through traffic with precision and determination. I can tell she's scared, but she's also focused, her eyes fixed on the road ahead.

I try to catch my breath and steady my nerves. I climb into the front seat, reaching for the seatbelt and securing myself in for what promises to be a wild ride. The SUV behind us is gaining ground, its driver clearly not willing to let us go that easily. I glance over at Paige, her knuckles white as she grips the steering wheel, her jaw set in determination.

"We need to lose them," I say, trying to keep my voice calm despite the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

"I'm trying," she replies through gritted teeth, swerving around a slower-moving car with expert precision.

I glance behind us and see the black SUV still hot on our tail. Suddenly, Paige veers off the main highway onto a smaller side road, hoping to shake off our pursuers.

The road is rough and unpaved, winding through a farm road. There are cornfields on one side and something else growing on the other side. Our car bounces and shakes violently. The high-speed chase is like a scene out of a movie, but this is all too real. The SUV behind us seems to have underestimated our escape route, momentarily losing sight of us as we navigate the winding terrain.

Paige's hands grip the wheel tightly as she navigates the rough road, her gaze fixed on the winding path ahead. She takes a quick, nervous glance at me out of the corner of her eye, as if to make sure I am still with her in this.

“Do you know where you are going?”

“Not a clue.”

I nod. “Good. Great. This will certainly end well.”

Suddenly, we’re bumped from behind, sending us careening off the road and into the cornfield. The impact is jarring, the car lurching and skidding through rows of cornstalks as we struggle to regain control. I can hear Paige cursing under her breath, her grip on the wheel unyielding as she fights to steer us back onto solid ground.

“I can’t see!” she screams.

Corn stalks are slapping against the windshield, obstructing our view as we plow through the field. The sound of the SUV following us grows louder, their determination evident in the aggressive way they pursue us. Paige grits her teeth and pushes harder on the gas pedal, the engine roaring in protest as she tries to put more distance between us and our pursuers. There’s another hard hit from behind, causing us both to fly forward before the seatbelts hold us back.

“I don’t know what to do!” she cries out in terror.

“Keep going,” I tell her. “You don’t stop until something stops us.”

The car jolts as we hit a hidden ditch, sending me flying forward against the dashboard. Pain shoots through my shoulder, but I barely register it as adrenaline fuels my survival instincts. Paige fights to keep the car on course, her knuckles turning white from the strain of wrestling with the steering wheel.

As we burst out of the cornfield and back onto the asphalt road, the SUV is right behind us. We fly past a small town, people staring in shock and disbelief at the high-speed chase that has just come barreling through their usually quiet streets. I scan the area for any sign of help or an opportunity to shake our pursuers, but there's nothing.

Just as we pass the town's city limits sign, Paige spots an old, rickety wooden bridge up ahead. She guns the engine and swerves straight towards it.

“Paige! That sign clearly says no motor vehicles!”

“Hold on,” she replies.

The SUV behind us is still hot on our tail, its driver clearly determined to catch us. As we approach the bridge, I can see the wood is weathered and looks like it might collapse at any moment. Paige doesn't hesitate as she accelerates onto the bridge, the planks rattling beneath us. The sound of the pursuing SUV grows louder.

I hold my breath as we lurch over the wooden planks, the bridge ominously creaking under the weight of our speeding car. Each bump feels like a potential death sentence, but Paige remains resolute, her hands steady on the wheel despite the chaos around us.

The SUV follows us onto the bridge, and its heavy weight causes the old wood to groan in protest. I can hear the splintering of the planks beneath us as we race towards the other side. My heart is pounding in my chest, my fingers gripping the edge of my seat so tightly they ache.

Just as we reach the middle of the bridge, a loud crack echoes through the air, followed by a sickening snap. The bridge gives way.

“Punch it!” I shout.

She screams again, her foot on the accelerator launches us forward. We hit the ground with another jarring thud. She gets on another dirt road and off we go. I look behind us, searching for the SUV and see nothing.

“You lost them,” I say with relief.

I feel like I’ve been in a washing machine. I can’t even imagine what she’s feeling.

“Are you okay?”

Tears are streaming down her face. “No.”

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