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“Oh.” Her face fell. “Okay. Sleep well.”

His heart aching, Liam nodded, wished her the same, and headed to his bedroom. He fell into bed, where the sheets were still tangled from the night he and Amelia had spent together. How different things had seemed last night, when they had made love and fallen asleep in each other’s arms. Life had seemed full of hope and promise.

He should have known that was too good to be true.

Over the next few days, Liam made an effort to be home, but his efforts weren’t enough. Now that he was tuned back in to the office, he was constantly receiving calls and urgent emails that needed his attention. Liam had no choice but to answer — and often rush back into the office for meetings. He could see how Amelia and Grace’s faces fell with each call and each abruptly ended meal. After a few days, it seemed easier just to stay away than to hurt them like this.

Soon, Liam was back in his old patterns. He woke up before Amelia and was in the office early. He worked all day, stayed late into the night, and returned after she’d gone to sleep. A few days passed in which he saw neither Amelia nor Grace.

Amelia seemed to recognize that things had changed. She no longer texted him as much, and she didn’t wait up for him anymore. If she was hurt or upset, she didn’t show it.

Liam told himself that this was for the best. He and Amelia needed to maintain a safe distance so that he could prioritize his work, at least for now.

Stanley’s advice about family repeated in Liam’s head, but he silenced that voice. Prioritizing his family had almost led him down a worrying path. He couldn’t let that happen again. No one would benefit from Lilypad Learning falling apart, except perhaps their competitors.

Almost a week after the picnic at Stanley’s home, Liam came home late, as usual. This time, though, Amelia had waited up for him. She was wearing jeans and a T-shirt and an expression that went beyond annoyance.

“We need to talk.”

“I’m sorry, Amelia. I’m too tired.” Liam made a move towards his bedroom, but Amelia stood and stepped into his way. She looked determined.

“No. We need to talk.”

“Amelia.” Liam ran a hand through his hair. “I know we need to discuss our… arrangement… after what happened between us last week, but I need to?—”

She cut him off. “That’s not what I want to talk about. Obviously, I would like to discuss that, but it’s clear that I’m not going to get much time with you, so we need to focus on what matters.”

Liam had never heard Amelia speak like this. Her tone was cold and cutting, like a shard of ice.

“We need to talk about Grace.”

“Grace?” Liam blinked. “Is she all right?”

“Hardly.” Amelia chuckled, but it wasn’t a happy sound. “Liam, you spent a week winning her over. She began to think of you as someone she could count on, someone who would be there for her. And then you left. She hasn’t seen you in days. She asks about you all the time, and today she asked if you were ‘with mommy.’ She thinks you’re gone forever, Liam.”

The words struck Liam hard, and he sank onto the couch. “I’m sorry if I’ve confused her,” he said, his tone flat. “But I’m doing this for her. Grace won’t benefit from me being around all the time if I’m in financial ruin.”

“She won’t benefit from anything if you aren’t around at all. I’m not saying you need to be here all the time, but you do need to make time for her.”

Liam’s temper was starting to grow. “Look. I know you care about her. I do, too. But I can’t put everything aside just because of that.”

“No, you’ve done something much worse.” Amelia sighed. “I’m starting to wonder if you were just using her — and me. You needed to prove something to Stanley to keep his investment, and when that was over, you abandoned her.”

Liam was back on his feet in a flash. “I didn’t abandon her. She has a roof over her head and food on the table. She has you to love her and care for her. I didn’t abandon her. And I didn’t use her!”

“Yes, you did.” Amelia shook her head. “It doesn’t matter why you aren’t around anymore. It just matters that you aren’t. I get it; you’re terrified of having people who love you and rely on you. That makes a relationship between us impossible, and that’s fine. I won’t push you. But Grace is different. You’re her father, and she needs you.”

“You have no right to talk to me like this.”

“I do, because I’ve been around. You need to know what’s happening with your daughter. You’re being selfish, Liam. Your daughter isn’t a business tool. You need to be savoring these moments with her, not running off.”

“Enough.” Liam didn’t raise his voice, but the ice in his tone made Amelia take a step back. “I know what’s best for Grace. You don’t. You seem to think you have a place in this family, but maybe you’ve forgotten our agreement. You aren’t really my wife or Grace’s mother. You would do well to remember that.”

And with that, Liam stormed out of the room.



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