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Amelia woke in Liam’s bed.

For a moment, upon first opening her eyes, she couldn’t believe she was here. She’d seen Liam’s room once before, when he’d given her a tour of the penthouse on her first day, but hadn’t been in since. Now, in the light of day, it looked just as soulless as ever — except for the trail of clothing on the floor. Amelia blushed as memories from last night rushed back. Sleeping with Liam had been everything she’d imagined and more.

Yet… Liam wasn’t there. Amelia scanned the room as if he might be hiding in the wardrobe or under the bed, but he was definitely not there. She was alone.

Her heart ached at the realization. She’d thought that, with everything they’d shared, this night might signal the beginning of something real. Something worth risking her heart on. But Liam wasn’t there. He must not feel the same way.

Amelia slid out of bed. Her pajamas were on the floor — Liam must have brought her shirt with them when they’d come into the bedroom last night. She slipped them on, ran her hands through her hair, and prepared to make a run for her own room and the attached bathroom.

But when she opened the door, she heard a familiar, beautiful sound coming from the kitchen. Grace was laughing her happiest giggle of joy. Behind the laughter, Amelia could make out Liam’s deep baritone and the sound of cutlery clinking.

Instead of going back to her room, Amelia slipped down the hallway. She hesitated at the doorway into the kitchen when she caught sight of Liam and Grace. Grace was sitting on the counter, chewing on a strawberry, while Liam stood protectively near her, making faces.

As quiet as Amelia thought she’d been, she must have made a noise, because Liam turned. His face broke into a smile.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

Beautiful. Amelia’s heart soared.

“Good morning.”

“I heard Grace waking up, and I thought I’d let you sleep a little. You seemed… tired.”

Amelia blushed. “I was.”

“Meel!” Grace waved excitedly, and Amelia crossed the kitchen to give the little girl a good-morning hug.

“How did you sleep, sweetheart?”

“Great!” Grace wiggled. “Daddy make breakfast.”

“Daddy’s making breakfast?” Amelia repeated. “What’s he making?”

“Cereal,” Liam admitted when Grace shrugged. “I found some fruit in the fridge that was already cut, but apart from that, cereal is the jewel in my culinary crown.”

Amelia snorted. “I can’t imagine you having any kind of culinary crown.”

“Hey!” Liam pretended to look offended. “I’m an excellent chef. Of a very limited number of things.”

“Hey!” Grace repeated with a giggle. She probably didn’t understand the conversation, but her interjection made Amelia and Liam laugh.

“Why don’t you go get dressed while I finish breakfast?” Liam suggested. “We’re all good here.”

“Okay. I’ll be right back.”

Amelia took a quick shower and got dressed. When she returned to the kitchen, Grace and Liam were sitting at the table, a bowl of sliced fruit, a carton of milk, and three cereal boxes in front of them. The table had been set with bowls and spoons.

“Wow. It smells delicious,” Amelia joked as she slid into her seat. “I have to recognize your chef skills now.”

“Thank you. I can offer you chocolate granola, multicolored mini donuts, or something with cinnamon.”

“Chocolate granola, please.”

Liam poured the cereal for Amelia, then milk for her and Grace. As he did, she caught his eye, and they shared a private smile.

Maybe last night really had changed things.

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