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“Just how rich is this guy?” Amelia asked as they pulled up to the intercom.

“Who knows,” Liam said, although he had a pretty good idea. This was the kind of place Liam could afford as well, though he’d never been interested in a sprawling ranch outside the city. It would be too far from the office and too big for just him.

If it wasn’t just him, though…

He lowered the window and pressed a button on the intercom. It crackled to life.

“Liam, is that you?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Come right in. Just drive up the road — I think you can figure out where to go.”

“I think I can,” Liam replied with a chuckle. The gates buzzed, then slowly swung open. Liam closed the window and navigated the car up the one-lane road. The trees above them were decked out with ruby-red cherries that made Liam’s mouth water. Perhaps there would be a chance for a cherry-picking expedition later.

The thought was so foreign that Liam almost couldn’t recognize it. He’d never wanted to go fruit-picking before — it had always sounded like a waste of time. But now, a few hours in an orchard with Amelia and Grace was appealing. Very appealing. Liam gave himself an internal shake. Had his priorities really shifted so much that he’d rather pick berries with Amelia and Grace than go into the office and get things done? That was a problem. A big problem.

Now wasn’t the time to resolve it, though, because they were pulling into the parking area. Stanley strode across the lawn to meet them, wearing a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and looking for all the world like a regular guy.

“I’ve never seen him out of a suit before,” Liam told Amelia in a soft voice. “This is very strange.”

“It’s probably the first time he’s seen you out of a suit, too,” Amelia pointed out. “Plus, you’re one of those rare guys who actually looks better out of a suit.”

Liam glanced down at his shorts and button-down and wasn’t sure if he agreed, but it was kind of Amelia to say.

“Right. Well, let’s do this.”

They piled out of the car. Liam went to Stanley and shook his hand while Amelia circled the car to Grace’s seat and helped the little girl out of the buckles.

“It’s good to see you, Liam,” Stanley said. His handshake was as firm and businesslike as always, but his eyes were warm. “Thanks for making the time to come out to my humble abode.”

“It’s our pleasure,” Liam said smoothly. “Stanley Jefferson, I’d like to introduce you to my wife, Amelia… Bradshaw and our daughter, Grace.”

It felt strange to introduce Amelia with his last name. That was something they should have talked about, but despite all their late-night talks and time spent together, it somehow hadn’t come up.

“Nice to meet you both.” Stanley held out a hand to Amelia, who shifted Grace to her other hip so that she could take it. Amelia was smiling her usual beautiful smile, and if she looked a little flustered, Liam was almost certain he was the only one who could tell. As if he’d done it a thousand times, he stepped closer to her and rested a hand against her lower back in comfort.

“Nice to meet you, too,” Amelia said. “And can I say, what a lovely family you have.”

Liam looked past Stanley to the small herd of children who were splashing around in the pool, and the pretty woman — Stanley’s wife, Laurie — manning the barbecue. Liam cast his memory back to the kids’ names — Thomas, Briana, Summer, and Patrick. He wasn’t sure which kid was which, though.

“Thank you.” Stanley smiled. “And you must be Grace. Hi, there.”

Grace buried her face in Amelia’s shoulder in a fit of nerves, and the adults chuckled.

“She’s shy, but she’ll warm up,” Amelia said, rubbing Grace’s back.

“I hope we’ll be able to make her feel welcome. Please, follow me.”

Stanley led the way across the lawn towards the patio. Liam fell back to walk beside Amelia.

“All good?” he asked quietly.

“So far,” Amelia said. She flashed Liam a grin. “Stanley seems really nice.”

“He is — now that he knows about you. When he thought I was just a money-obsessed bachelor, he was much more distant.”

“I can’t blame him,” Amelia muttered. Liam let out a chuckle, hardly able to believe his ears.

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